Data Format

Our data is delivered in two sets of files: entities and relationships. Within each file, a row describes one entity or relationship.

We provide schemas in JSON and text formats here to accommodate various development needs.


Any entity or relationship may have multiple attributes of the same type; for example, an entity may have multiple addresses (physical, mailing, etc.). Accordingly, all attributes are included as arrays.


Like an entity profile in the Sayari suite of products, a row in an entity file describes a single entity, including its attributes, risk factors, and summary information.

Summary information includes properties that describe the entity, as outlined below:

entity_idstringUnique identifier of the entity
typestringThe type of entity
labelstringThe entity name, or defaults to attributes like identifier, weak identifier, or address if no name is available, e.g., a property identified by its address
label_enstringThe name of the entity in Latin script, selected as the most suitable from available sources.
num_documentsintegerNumber of documents that make reference to the entity
sanctionedbooleanWhether or not the entity is sanctioned
pepbooleanWhether or not the entity is considered a politically exposed person
degreelongNumber of outgoing relationships
closedstringTrue if a relevant closed status has been parsed for this entity. Always false for data curation.
edge_countsmapCounts of incoming, outgoing, and total edges
risk_factorsstructContains the risks associated with the entity
namearray of structValues of the name attribute
identifierarray of structValues of the identifier attribute
additional_informationarray of structValues of the additional_information attribute
addressarray of structValues of the address attribute
business_purposearray of structValues of the business_purpose attribute
company_typearray of structValues of the company_type attribute
contactarray of structValues of the contact attribute
countryarray of structValues of the country attribute
date_of_birtharray of structValues of the date_of_birth attribute
financialsarray of structValues of the financials attribute
genderarray of structValues of the gender attribute
measurementarray of structValues of the measurement attribute
monetary_valuearray of structValues of the monetary_value attribute
risk_intelligencearray of structValues of the risk_intelligence attribute
sharesarray of structValues of the shares attribute
statusarray of structValues of the status attribute
sourcesarray of stringAn array of sources associated with the entity

This schema information is also in available more detail in both JSON and Text format


A row in a relationship file describes a single relationship, including its attributes and summary information. Relationships connect two entities (i.e., vertices), which are specified by their entity_idss.

srcstringThe source / from of the relationship (specified as an entity_id)
dststringThe destination / to of the relationship (specified as an entity_id)
typestringThe relationship type
datestringThe as-of date of a relationship (YYYY-MM-DD)
from_datestringThe start date of a relationship (YYYY-MM-DD)
to_datestringThe end date of a relationship (YYYY-MM-DD)
additional_informationarray of structValues of the additional_information attribute
positionarray of structValues of the position attribute
sharesarray of structValues of the shares attribute
business_purposearray of structValues of the business_purpose attribute
match_keysarray of structSpecific keys used for matching operations, populated only when type equals possibly_same_as, indicating potential identity matches between entities.

This schema information is also in available more detail in both JSON and Text format

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