API Change Log



Match Resolution Updates


We’ve enhanced our resolution endpoint with improved address matching capabilities and introduced configurable parameters that allow developers to fine-tune matching behavior for specific client requirements. See our Resolution API Reference for details.

Address Matching Improvements

  • Added match_quality enum field (high/medium/low) in response
  • Implemented new geocoding-based matching logic:
    • Input addresses are geocoded to (x,y) coordinates
    • Spatial analysis used to identify and rank potential matches
    • Provides more accurate location-based validation

Match Tuning Parameters


  • Controls match strictness.
  • When to use: Adjust this parameter when you need to balance between match precision and recall. Increase when accuracy is critical, decrease when you want to capture more potential matches.


  • Falls back to name-only entity search when the corporate or supplier profile matching fails to find a match.
  • When to use: Enable this feature when dealing with incomplete or varying quality data sources, or when maximizing match coverage is more important than strict profile matching.


  • Controls similar results window in match groups.
  • When to use: Adjust this when dealing with ambiguous entities or when you need to control the trade-off between match precision and recall. Lower the threshold when seeing more potential matches is valuable.


  • Bypasses the post-processing setps and re-ranking.
  • When to use: Enable this during development and testing phases to understand raw match results, useful for debugging results.


Added new filter parameters to trade/search

  • product_origin
  • supplier_city
  • supplier_state
  • buyer_city
  • buyer state
  • transit_country


Added entity resolution documentation to the Sayari Library.


We’ve enhanced the project notifications with a new risk_notifications object. This object provides a clear view of changes in risk notifications for each entity.

  • added: Array of newly added risk notifications
  • removed: Array of risk notifications no longer applicable
  • date: Timestamp of the notification change
2 "entity_id": "vnOScfTpsCFA-CH3X1ME0w",
3 "resource_id": "0kJNw8",
4 "custom_fields": {},
5 "risk_notifications": {
6 "added": [
7 "exports_bis_high_priority_items",
8 "meu_list_contractors"
9 ],
10 "removed": [
11 "forced_labor_xinjiang_origin_subtier"
12 ],
13 "date": "2024-07-23T00:00:00.000Z"
14 }


New Product Blueprint Sub-Tier Trade History Risk Factors

We are excited to announce the release of five new beta trade history risk factors for API & Bulk Data users. These risk factors are precomputed utilizing our proprietary product blueprints to more accurately identify relevant sub-tier supplier forced labor risk. The new risk factors will be available in addition to the legacy ones, operating as a subset.

Compared to their legacy ones, the new risk factors backed by product blueprints offer:

  • Increased relevance by identifying sub-tier suppliers that received the same or similar goods originally shipped from an entity associated with forced labor risk
  • Reduced noise via ~80% fewer false positives
  • Risk information (called origin_shipment_product) indicating the type of good initially shipped from the origin entity associated with risk
New Key
Legacy Key

For more details visit our Risk Factor Documentation

Rate Limits Updated

We have shifted to a tiered rate limiting system — see Rate Limit Documentation for details.


Q2.2024 Release

Beta Updates

  • Updated the upstream supply chain mapping endpoint, which can be used to access Sayari Map functionality via API. It is now /supply_chain/upstream, and the response structure, is similar to that of a traversal.
  • Released /resolution/persisted. And endpoint to support a single request to resolve, save and assign attributes to entities in projects for the purposes of notifications.
  • Updated project notifications to allowing sorting in descending order.

Deprecation & Sunset Updates

  • shipment entities sunset from Entity Search. Utilize Trade Search - Shipments going forward.
  • shipper_of and receiver_of sunset from the relationship_type object within the EmbeddedEntity data type. Utilize the trade_count object going forward.


Deprecation Notice: Shipments - EmbeddedEntity & Entity Search

Effective: June 25th, 2024, the following changes will occur:

EmbeddedEntity Modifications

  • The relationship_type object within EmbeddedEntity will no longer include shipper_of and receiver_of relationship types.
  • Instead, API users should reference the new trade_count object within EmbeddedEntity to analyze the volume of shipments sent and received by an entity.

Affected Endpoints (with EmbeddedEntity in the response)

Current | relationship_count
2 "relationship_count": {
3 "shipper_of": 969,
4 "receiver_of": 109,
5 "ships_to": 75,
6 "receives_from": 26,
7 "notify_party_of": 59
8 },
New | trade_count
2 "trade_count": {
3 "sent": 969,
4 "received": 109
5 },

Entity Search Endpoint Changes

Entity Search will no longer return entity type shipment in the response. Instead, if the desire is to search for and return shipments, we encourage API users to adopt the new Trade Endpoints, which are designed to offer enhanced capabilities for searching and analyzing trade data, suitable for both investigative and supply-chain use cases.

It will still be possible to understand if a company or person has trade data from Entity Search by referencing the above trade_count object.

Trade Endpoints:

For detailed guidance on how to transition and take advantage of the new Trade Endpoints, we recommend visiting our guides:

Beta Documentation Update

Added API Reference documentation for the following beta endpoints:

Save to Projects and Notifications

Upstream Supply Chain

Reach out to your account representative for more details regarding beta programs

Additional Documentation Updates

  • Rate Limits updated.
  • Risk Factors documentation updated to improve the developer experience.
  • Added limit as a query-parameter for the Resolution endpoint. Default is set to the max of 10. Requesting a lower limit, will reduce the number of matched entities.


Fern developer documentation launch

  • We’re proud to announce the launch of our new developer documentation with Fern 🌱! Check out our new API reference documentation, client libraries and more. We’ll be sun setting our previous docs site docs.sayari.com on April 5th, 2024. If you have any feedback, let us know by clicking on Was this page helpful? At the bottom of the page.


Traversal Limit Update

  • In our ongoing effort to maintain optimal performance and stability for our API clients, we have set the maximum offset limit to 1,000 paths. Per request, the default limit remains the same 20, with a max of 50.


Sunset Notice - v0 Endpoints



Trade Search Beta

  • We’re excited to announce the launch of our Beta program for the Trade Search API. To gain early access and help shape its development, please get in touch with your account representative.


Deprecation Notice - v0 Endpoints**

  • v0 endpoints are now deprecated and will be sunset on 2024-02-09. See v0 Migration Guide for details. Please contact your account representative if you have any questions.g