Getting Started with Postman Collections

You can use our Postman collection to easily test and play around with our APIs

Download Postman and the Sayari collection

Import the collection

  • Create a workspace in Postman
  • Locate the import option inside it
  • Drag and drop the collection.json file

Review the collection

  • You should now see the collection and Sayari endpoints in your workspace
  • Each endpoint contains defaults you can test, however before they work we need to setup authentication

Setup Postman environment and variables

  • Navigate to environments
  • Use global, or create an environment of your choice
  • Add two variables: client_id and client_secret and enter the credentials you have received from Sayari
  • If you don’t have credentials, reach out to your account representative

Make an auth request, and copy the bearer token

  • Set your client_id and client_secret variables in the body of Auth: Get Token Request
  • Hit send
  • Copy the access_token

Set the token variable

  • Go to the API collection, navigate to variables and paste the access_token as the initial value and current value for token
  • Once the token expires (24 hours), you will need to repeat this step

Make your first request!

  • Now that authentication is setup, navigate to the endpoint of your choice
  • Modify parameters as desired
  • Review payloads and responses