Rate Limits


The Sayari API employs a tiered rate limiting system to ensure reliable access and maintain performance. Different endpoints have different rate limits based on their complexity and resource requirements.

Note: Sayari reserves the right to adjust rate limits to account for surges in activity in order to maintain platform stability
2 "status": 429,
3 "success": false,
4 "messages": ["Too many requests within too short of a period."]

Rate Limits

Tier 1: Advanced Endpoints

The following endpoints have a rate limit of 30 requests permitted in a 10-second period. Exceeding this limit will result in a 10-second block.

  • /v1/search
  • /v1/traversal
  • /v1/ubo
  • /v1/downstream
  • /v1/watchlist
  • /v1/shortest_path
  • /v1/supply_chain/upstream

Tier 2: Standard Endpoints

All other endpoints have a rate limit of 400 requests allowed in a 1-minute period. Exceeding this limit will result in a 1-minute block.

Standard endpoints include, but are not limited to:

  • /v1/resolution
  • /v1/entity
  • /v1/entity_summary
  • /v1/record
  • /v1/sources
  • /v1/projects
  • /v1/notifications
  • /v1/attribute
  • /v1/resource

Rate Limit Comparison

TierRequestsTime PeriodBlock Duration
Advanced3010 seconds10 seconds
Standard4001 minute1 minute
  • Advanced endpoints allow 3 requests per second on average, with a shorter block duration.
  • Standard endpoints allow approximately 6.66 requests per second on average, but with a longer block duration if exceeded.

Frequently Asked Questions