Rate Limits


The Sayari API employs a tiered rate limiting system to ensure reliable access and maintain performance. Different endpoints have different rate limits based on their complexity and resource requirements.

Note: Sayari reserves the right to adjust rate limits to account for surges in activity in order to maintain platform stability
2 "status": 429,
3 "success": false,
4 "messages": ["Too many requests within too short of a period."]

Rate Limits

Tier 1: Advanced Endpoints

The following endpoints have a rate limit of 30 requests permitted in a 10-second period. Exceeding this limit will result in a 10-second block.

  • /v1/search
  • /v1/traversal
  • /v1/ubo
  • /v1/downstream
  • /v1/watchlist
  • /v1/shortest_path
  • /v1/supply_chain/upstream

Tier 2: Standard Endpoints

All other endpoints have a rate limit of 400 requests allowed in a 1-minute period. Exceeding this limit will result in a 1-minute block.

Standard endpoints include, but are not limited to:

  • /v1/resolution
  • /v1/entity
  • /v1/entity_summary
  • /v1/record
  • /v1/sources
  • /v1/projects
  • /v1/notifications
  • /v1/attribute
  • /v1/resource

Rate Limit Comparison

TierRequestsTime PeriodBlock Duration
Advanced3010 seconds10 seconds
Standard4001 minute1 minute
  • Advanced endpoints allow 3 requests per second on average, with a shorter block duration.
  • Standard endpoints allow approximately 6.66 requests per second on average, but with a longer block duration if exceeded.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the rate limit is exceeded, a block will be enforced. For advanced endpoints, this block will last 10 seconds. For standard endpoints, the block will last 1 minute. During this time, you will be temporarily blocked from making further requests to the affected endpoint(s).

If you’re consistently hitting our max limits on a regular basis, please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss your needs.

Advanced endpoints are explicitly listed in the “Tier 1” section. All other endpoints fall under the standard rate limit (Tier 2). If you’re unsure about a specific endpoint, you can assume it’s in the standard tier or contact our support team for clarification.