Risk Table
Risk Factors Table Legend
Category: Represents the broad category of risk (e.g., Adverse Media, Export Controls)
Risk: Name of the specific risk within each category
Key: Unique identifier for each risk, operates as the key for integration
Severity: Indicates the level of severity associated with each risk, as designated by Sayari. Four possible values ranging from most to least severe: Critical, High, Elevated, Relevant
Visibility: Represents how the risk is derived, there are three possible values:
- Seed: List-based risk or inherent to the entity’s nature
- Network: Risk derived from relationships with entities associated with risk in the Sayari network
- PSA: Risk associated with a possibly-same-as (PSA) group, where one entity in the group contains the risk
Category | Risk | Key | Severity | Visibility |
Adverse Media | Bribery and Corruption (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_bribery_and_corruption | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Cybercrime (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_cybercrime | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Financial Crime (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_financial_crime | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Forced Labor and Modern Slavery (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_forced_labor | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Law Enforcement Action (from Adverse Media) | law_enforcement_action | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Organized Crime (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_organized_crime | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Other Reputational Risk (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_other | Elevated | Seed |
Adverse Media | Terrorism (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_terrorism | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Cattle from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_cattle | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Cocoa from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_cocoa | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Coffee from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_coffee | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Palm Oil from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_palm_oil | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Rubber from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_rubber | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Soya from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_soya | Elevated | Seed |
Environmental Risk | Exports Wood from High-Risk Country for Deforestation (EUDR) | exports_eudr_shipment_wood | Elevated | Seed |
Export Controls | Entity Displays Active License from Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB RF) | entity_licensed_with_fsb_rf | High | Seed |
Export Controls | Entity Exports to Entity that Displays Active License from FSB RF | exports_to_entity_licensed_with_fsb_rf | High | Network |
Export Controls | Export Control Lists | export_controls | Critical | Seed |
Export Controls | Exports Components in USA Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Common High Priority Items List | exports_bis_high_priority_items | Elevated | Network |
Export Controls | Exports Critical Components in USA Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Common High Priority Items List | exports_bis_high_priority_items_critical_components | High | Network |
Export Controls | Government Contractors in USA Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Military End User (MEU) Country | meu_list_contractors | High | Seed |
Export Controls | Imports Components in USA Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Common High Priority Items List | imports_bis_high_priority_items | Elevated | Network |
Export Controls | Imports Critical Components in USA Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Common High Priority Items List | imports_bis_high_priority_items_critical_components | High | Network |
Export Controls | Listed on USA Dept. of Defense National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2021 Section 1260H List | export_controls_section_1260h | High | Seed |
Export Controls | Military-Civil Fusion (MCF) Entity | military_civil_fusion | High | Seed |
Export Controls | National Defense Authorization Act Section 889 Covered Entities | ndaa_889_covered_entities | High | Seed |
Export Controls | Owned by Entity in Export Controls List | owned_by_entity_in_export_controls | High | Network |
Export Controls | Owned by Entity in USA Commerce BIS MEU List | owned_by_bis_meu_entity | High | Network |
Export Controls | Owned by Entity in USA NDAA Section 1260H List | owned_by_section_1260h_entity | High | Network |
Export Controls | Owned by Listed on Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies (NS-CMIC) List | owned_by_cmic_entity | High | Network |
Export Controls | Owned by Military-Civil Fusion (MCF) Entity | owned_by_military_civil_fusion | Elevated | Network |
Export Controls | Owner of Entity in Export Controls List | owner_of_export_controls_entity | High | Network |
Export Controls | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Entity Displays Active License from Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB RF) | psa_entity_licensed_with_fsb_rf | High | PSA |
Export Controls | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Entity in Export Controls List | psa_export_controls | Critical | PSA |
Export Controls | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Military- Civil Fusion Entity | psa_military_civil_fusion | High | PSA |
Export Controls | Possibly the Same As (PSA) USA BIS Boycott Requester List Entity | psa_bis_boycott_requester_list | Elevated | PSA |
Export Controls | Related to Export Controls | export_controls_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Export Controls | USA BIS Boycott Requester List Entity | bis_boycott_requester_list | Elevated | Seed |
Forced Labor | Direct Trade History with ASPI Entity | forced_labor_aspi_origin_direct | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Direct Trade History with Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | forced_labor_sheffield_hallam_university_reports_origin_direct | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Direct Trade History with UFLPA Entity | forced_labor_uflpa_origin_direct | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Direct Trade History with WRO Entity | forced_labor_wro_origin_direct | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Direct Trade History with Xinjiang-Based Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_origin_direct | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Entity from ASPI Forced Labor Report | aspi_uyghur_forced_labor_report_entity | Elevated | Seed |
Forced Labor | Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | sheffield_hallam_university_forced_labor_entity | Critical | Seed |
Forced Labor | Entity with Chinese Prison Labor Keyword | forced_labor_china_keywords | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Entity with Xinjiang Keyword | forced_labor_xinjiang_name | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Entity with Xinjiang Operations | forced_labor_xinjiang_operations | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Exports Goods with ILAB Child Labor Risk | exports_ilab_child_labor | Elevated | Seed |
Forced Labor | Exports Goods with ILAB Forced Labor Risk | exports_ilab_forced_labor | Elevated | Seed |
Forced Labor | Forced Labor and Modern Slavery (from Adverse Media) | reputational_risk_forced_labor | Elevated | Seed |
Forced Labor | Former WRO Entity | former_wro_entity | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Intermediary Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | sheffield_hallam_university_forced_labor_reports_intermediary_entity | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Owned by ASPI Forced Labor Report Entity | owned_by_aspi_forced_labor_entity | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Owned by Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | owned_by_sheffield_hallam_university_reports_forced_labor_entity | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owned by UFLPA Entity | owned_by_forced_labor_xinjiang_uflpa | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owned by WRO Entity | owned_by_wro_entity | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owned by Xinjiang-Based Entity | owned_by_xinjiang_entity | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owner of ASPI Forced Labor Report Entity | owner_of_aspi_forced_labor_entity | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Owner of Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | owner_of_sheffield_hallam_university_reports_forced_labor_entity | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owner of UFLPA Entity | owner_of_forced_labor_xinjiang_uflpa | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owner of WRO Entity | owner_of_wro_entity | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Owner of Xinjiang-Based Entity | owner_of_forced_labor_xinjiang_entity | High | Network |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) ASPI Forced Labor Report Entity | psa_forced_labor_aspi_uyghur | Elevated | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Entity with Xinjiang Keyword | psa_forced_labor_xinjiang_name | High | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Entity with Xinjiang Operations | psa_forced_labor_xinjiang_operations | High | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Intermediary Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | psa_sheffield_hallam_university_intermediary_entity | High | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports Entity | psa_sheffield_hallam_university_forced_labor_entity | Critical | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) UFLPA Entity | psa_forced_labor_xinjiang_uflpa | Critical | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) WRO Entity | psa_wro_entity | Critical | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Xinjiang Cotton Industry Entity | psa_forced_labor_xinjiang_cotton_entity | Elevated | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Xinjiang- Geolocated Entity | psa_forced_labor_xinjiang_geospatial | High | PSA |
Forced Labor | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Xinjiang- Registered Entity | psa_forced_labor_xinjiang_registration | High | PSA |
Forced Labor | Related to Entity from ASPI Forced Labor Report | aspi_uyghur_forced_labor_report_entity_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Related to Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | sheffield_hallam_university_forced_labor_reports_entity_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Related to UFLPA Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_uflpa_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Related to WRO Entity | wro_entity_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Supplier Network with ASPI Entity | forced_labor_aspi_origin_subtier | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Supplier Network with Entity from Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports | forced_labor_sheffield_hallam_university_reports_origin_subtier | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Supplier Network with UFLPA Entity | forced_labor_uflpa_origin_subtier | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Supplier Network with WRO Entity | forced_labor_wro_origin_subtier | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | Supplier Network with Xinjiang-Based Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_origin_subtier | Elevated | Network |
Forced Labor | UFLPA Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_uflpa | Critical | Seed |
Forced Labor | WRO Entity | wro_entity | Critical | Seed |
Forced Labor | Xinjiang Cotton Industry Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_cotton_entity | Elevated | Seed |
Forced Labor | Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) Contractor | forced_labor_xinjiang_contractors | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Xinjiang-Geolocated Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_geospatial | High | Seed |
Forced Labor | Xinjiang-Registered Entity | forced_labor_xinjiang_registration | High | Seed |
Political Exposure | Export to State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | export_to_soe | High | Network |
Political Exposure | Former State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | former_soe | Elevated | Seed |
Political Exposure | Majority-Owned by Venezuelan SOE | ven_soe_50_percent | High | Network |
Political Exposure | Owned by State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | owned_by_soe | High | Network |
Political Exposure | Owner of State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | owner_of_soe | High | Network |
Political Exposure | Politically Exposed Person (PEP) | pep | High | Seed |
Political Exposure | Possibly the Same As (PSA) Venezuelan State-Owned Enterprise | psa_state_owned_ven | High | PSA |
Political Exposure | Possibly the Same as (PSA) State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | psa_state_owned | High | PSA |
Political Exposure | Possibly the Same as a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) | psa_pep | High | PSA |
Political Exposure | Related to Politically Exposed Person (PEP) | pep_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Political Exposure | Related to State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | soe_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Political Exposure | State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) | state_owned | High | Seed |
Political Exposure | Venezuelan State-Owned Enterprise(s) | state_owned_ven | High | Seed |
Regulatory Action | Law Enforcement Action (from Adverse Media) | law_enforcement_action | Elevated | Seed |
Regulatory Action | Owner of Entity Subject to Regulatory Action | owner_of_regulatory_action_entity | High | Network |
Regulatory Action | Possibly the Same As (PSA) an Entity Subject to Regulatory Action | psa_regulatory_action | High | PSA |
Regulatory Action | Regulatory Action | regulatory_action | High | Seed |
Relevant | Basel AML Index | basel_aml | Relevant | Seed |
Relevant | Corruption Perceptions Index | cpi_score | Relevant | Seed |
Relevant | EU High-Risk Third Countries | eu_high_risk_third | Relevant | Seed |
Sanctions | Controlled by Australia Sanctioned Entity | controlled_by_aus_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Controlled by EU Sanctioned Entity | controlled_by_eu_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Controlled by Japan Sanctioned Entity | controlled_by_jpn_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Controlled by OFAC SDN Entities | controlled_by_ofac_sdn | High | Network |
Sanctions | Controlled by UK Sanctioned Entity | controlled_by_uk_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Controlled by UN Sanctioned Entity | controlled_by_un_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Controlled by Ukraine Sanctioned Entity | controlled_by_ukr_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Export to Sanctioned Entity | export_to_sanctioned | High | Network |
Sanctions | Former Sanctions | formerly_sanctioned | High | Seed |
Sanctions | Majority Owned by EU Sanctioned Entity | eu_50_percent_rule | High | Network |
Sanctions | Majority Owned by OFAC SDN | ofac_50_percent_rule | High | Network |
Sanctions | Majority Owned by UK Sanctioned Entity | uk_50_percent_rule | High | Network |
Sanctions | Owned by Sanctioned Entity | owned_by_sanctioned_entity | High | Network |
Sanctions | Owner of Sanctioned Entity | owner_of_sanctioned_entity | High | Network |
Sanctions | Possibly the Same As (PSA) a Sanctioned Entity | psa_sanctioned | Critical | PSA |
Sanctions | Related to Sanctioned | sanctioned_adjacent | Elevated | Network |
Sanctions | Sanctioned | sanctioned | Critical | Seed |