Enumerated Types
Address Type
This enumerated type indicates the kind of location an address is referring to.
Value | Description |
arrival | The port to which a shipment is sent |
business | An address at which an entity conducts its operations |
departure | The port from which a shipment leaves |
mailing | An address at which an entity receives mail |
physical | An address at which an entity has a physical presence |
registered | An address an entity has listed for its registration |
transit | The port at which a shipment is temporarily located or moved between vessels in the course of shipment. |
Business Purpose Standard
Business purpose standard enums describe the type of code listed in a business purpose attribute, which may or may not allow for Pyisic conversions/lookups.
Value | Description |
ADGM | Abu Dhabi Global Market Activity Code |
ATECO | San Marino Codici ATECO |
CAE | Code d’activité économique Quebec |
CAEM2005 | Clasificatorul Activităţilor Din Economia Moldovei - Moldova Classification of Economic Activities, Rev. 2005 |
CCNAE2021 | Clasificador Nacional de Actividades Económicas(CNAE) - Cuba National Economic Activity Classifications, Rev. 2021 |
CNAE2 | Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas - Brazil National Economic Activity Classification, Rev. 2.0 |
ESA2010 | European System of Accounts |
GCED2011 | Экономикалык Ишмердиктердин Тyрлөрүнүн Мамлекеттик Классификатору - Kyrgyz State Economic Activity Classification, Rev. 2011 |
HS | Harmonized System Codes (standardized numerical method of classifying traded products) |
ISIC3 | International Standard Industrial Classification, Rev. 3 |
ISIC31 | International Standard Industrial Classification, Rev. 3.1 |
ISIC4 | International Standard Industrial Classification, Rev. 4 |
JSIC13 | Japan Standard Industrial Classification, Rev. 13 |
KSIC10 | Korean Standard Industry Classification, Rev. 10 |
NACE1 | Nomenclature of Economic Activities, Rev. 1 |
NACE2 | Nomenclature of Economic Activities, Rev. 2 |
NACEBEL2003 | Nomenclature des activités économiques - Belgium Nomenclature of Economic Activities, Rev. 2003 |
NACEBEL2008 | Nomenclature des activités économiques - Belgium Nomenclature of Economic Activities, Rev. 2008 |
NAF1 | Nomenclature d’activités française - French Nomenclature of Economic Activities, Rev. 1 |
NAF2 | Nomenclature d’activités française - French Nomenclature of Economic Activities, Rev. 2 |
NAICS2017 | North American Industry Classification System, Rev. 2017 |
NIC2008 | India National Industrial Classification - 2008 (NIC-2008) |
PKD2007 | Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności (PKD) - Polish Classification of Activities, Rev. 2007 |
SBI2008 | De Standaard Bedrijfsindeling (SBI) - Netherlands Standard Company Classification, Rev. 2008 |
SCIAN2018 | Sistema de Clasificación Industrial de América del Norte - Mexico North American Industry Classification System, Rev. 2018 |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List (USA) |
SKD2002 | Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti - Slovenia Standard Classification of Activities, Rev. 2002 |
SKD2008 | Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti - Slovenia Standard Classification of Activities, Rev. 2008 |
SSIC2020 | Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (national standard for classifying economic activities undertaken by economic units) |
TOL2008 | Finland Standard Industrial Classification TOL 2008 |
TSIC2552 | การจัดประเภทมาตรฐานอุตสาหกรรมประเทศไทย ปี 2552 - Thailand Standard Industrial Classification, Rev. 2009 |
Company Status
Company status enums describe a normalized set of statuses to which we map specific terms describing a company’s status in a source document.
) are deprecated.Value | Description |
active | e.g., “Active”, “Operating,” “In good standing” |
closed | e.g., “Closed”, “Struck from the register”, “Registration canceled”. Used when the company no longer legally exists. |
closing | e.g., “In liquidation”, “Dissolved”. Used when the company is on track to close. |
dissolved * | |
expanded | e.g., “Expanded”, “Barred”. Used when a broker has been involved in one or more disclosure events involving certain final criminal matters, regulatory actions, civil judgment proceedings, or arbitrations or civil litigations. |
expired | e.g., “Expired”, “Inactive”. Used when the business license is no longer active and up to date. |
in_receivership * | |
inactive | e.g., “Inactive”, “Administratively dissolved”. Used when the company still exists but is not operating normally. |
incorporated | e.g., “Date of incorporation” |
opening * | |
registered | e.g., “Registration date” |
registration_revoked * | |
seized * | |
terminated | e.g., “Terminated”, “Closed”. Used when the licensing organization terminates a business license, barring the individual and/or company from performing business activities with the association of the organization. |
under_external_control | e.g., “In receivership”, “Bankruptcy trustee appointed”, “Seized”. Used when an exernal party is granted legal/operational control over the company, typically to steer it through a bankruptcy or winding-up process. |
Contact Type
Contact type enums describe different methods of contact reported in a record about a given entity.
Value | Description |
email | An email address |
fax | A fax number |
phone_number | Any kind of phone number |
url | A URL |
Country Context
Country context enums describe different ways an entity can be connected to a country.
Value | Description |
activity_in | The entity is the principal entity in a record originating from this country |
address | The country of an entity address |
citizenship | The reported citizenship of a person |
domicile | e.g., “Country of incorporation”, “Jurisdiction of formation”, “Organized under the laws of”. A company can operate in multiple countries, but can only have one domicile at a time. |
incorporation | Rarely used. Converted to “domicile”. |
mentioned_in | The entity is mentioned in a record originating from this country |
nationality | The reported nationality of a person |
product_origin | The country of origin of a product |
residence | The reported country of residence of a person |
shipment_arrival | The country of the consignee/recipient of a shipment |
shipment_departure | The country a shipment starts in |
shipment_transit | Any country a shipment moves through between its departure and arrival |
vessel_flag | The flag state of a vessel. Often changes over time. |
Country enums are normalized representations of country names. Source
Value | Description |
ABW | Aruba |
AFG | Afghanistan |
AGO | Angola |
AIA | Anguilla |
ALA | Åland Islands |
ALB | Albania |
AND | Andorra |
ARE | United Arab Emirates |
ARG | Argentina |
ARM | Armenia |
ASM | American Samoa |
ATA | Antarctica |
ATF | French Southern and Antarctic Lands |
ATG | Antigua and Barbuda |
AUS | Australia |
AUT | Austria |
AZE | Azerbaijan |
BDI | Burundi |
BEL | Belgium |
BEN | Benin |
BES | Caribbean Netherlands |
BFA | Burkina Faso |
BGD | Bangladesh |
BGR | Bulgaria |
BHR | Bahrain |
BHS | Bahamas |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BLM | Saint Barthélemy |
BLR | Belarus |
BLZ | Belize |
BMU | Bermuda |
BOL | Bolivia |
BRA | Brazil |
BRB | Barbados |
BRN | Brunei |
BTN | Bhutan |
BVT | Bouvet Island |
BWA | Botswana |
CAF | Central African Republic |
CAN | Canada |
CCK | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
CHE | Switzerland |
CHL | Chile |
CHN | China |
CIV | Ivory Coast |
CMR | Cameroon |
COD | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
COG | Republic of the Congo |
COK | Cook Islands |
COL | Colombia |
COM | Comoros |
CPV | Cape Verde |
CRI | Costa Rica |
CUB | Cuba |
CUW | Curaçao |
CXR | Christmas Island |
CYM | Cayman Islands |
CYP | Cyprus |
CZE | Czechia |
DEU | Germany |
DJI | Djibouti |
DMA | Dominica |
DNK | Denmark |
DOM | Dominican Republic |
DZA | Algeria |
ECU | Ecuador |
EGY | Egypt |
ERI | Eritrea |
ESH | Western Sahara |
ESP | Spain |
EST | Estonia |
ETH | Ethiopia |
FIN | Finland |
FJI | Fiji |
FLK | Falkland Islands |
FRA | France |
FRO | Faroe Islands |
FSM | Micronesia |
GAB | Gabon |
GBR | United Kingdom |
GEO | Georgia |
GGY | Guernsey |
GHA | Ghana |
GIB | Gibraltar |
GIN | Guinea |
GLP | Guadeloupe |
GMB | Gambia |
GNB | Guinea-Bissau |
GNQ | Equatorial Guinea |
GRC | Greece |
GRD | Grenada |
GRL | Greenland |
GTM | Guatemala |
GUF | French Guiana |
GUM | Guam |
GUY | Guyana |
HKG | Hong Kong |
HMD | Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
HND | Honduras |
HRV | Croatia |
HTI | Haiti |
HUN | Hungary |
IDN | Indonesia |
IMN | Isle of Man |
IND | India |
IOT | British Indian Ocean Territory |
IRL | Ireland |
IRN | Iran |
IRQ | Iraq |
ISL | Iceland |
ISR | Israel |
ITA | Italy |
JAM | Jamaica |
JEY | Jersey |
JOR | Jordan |
JPN | Japan |
KAZ | Kazakhstan |
KEN | Kenya |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
KHM | Cambodia |
KIR | Kiribati |
KNA | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
KOR | South Korea |
KWT | Kuwait |
LAO | Laos |
LBN | Lebanon |
LBR | Liberia |
LBY | Libya |
LCA | Saint Lucia |
LIE | Liechtenstein |
LKA | Sri Lanka |
LSO | Lesotho |
LTU | Lithuania |
LUX | Luxembourg |
LVA | Latvia |
MAC | Macau |
MAF | Saint Martin |
MAR | Morocco |
MCO | Monaco |
MDA | Moldova |
MDG | Madagascar |
MDV | Maldives |
MEX | Mexico |
MHL | Marshall Islands |
MKD | Macedonia |
MLI | Mali |
MLT | Malta |
MMR | Myanmar |
MNE | Montenegro |
MNG | Mongolia |
MNP | Northern Mariana Islands |
MOZ | Mozambique |
MRT | Mauritania |
MSR | Montserrat |
MTQ | Martinique |
MUS | Mauritius |
MWI | Malawi |
MYS | Malaysia |
MYT | Mayotte |
NAM | Namibia |
NCL | New Caledonia |
NER | Niger |
NFK | Norfolk Island |
NGA | Nigeria |
NIC | Nicaragua |
NIU | Niue |
NLD | Netherlands |
NOR | Norway |
NPL | Nepal |
NRU | Nauru |
NZL | New Zealand |
OMN | Oman |
PAK | Pakistan |
PAN | Panama |
PCN | Pitcairn Islands |
PER | Peru |
PHL | Philippines |
PLW | Palau |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
POL | Poland |
PRI | Puerto Rico |
PRK | North Korea |
PRT | Portugal |
PRY | Paraguay |
PSE | Palestine |
PYF | French Polynesia |
QAT | Qatar |
REU | Réunion |
RKS | Kosovo |
ROU | Romania |
RUS | Russia |
RWA | Rwanda |
SAU | Saudi Arabia |
SDN | Sudan |
SEN | Senegal |
SGP | Singapore |
SGS | South Georgia |
SHN | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
SJM | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
SLB | Solomon Islands |
SLE | Sierra Leone |
SLV | El Salvador |
SMR | San Marino |
SOM | Somalia |
SPM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
SRB | Serbia |
SSD | South Sudan |
STP | São Tomé and Príncipe |
SUR | Suriname |
SVK | Slovakia |
SVN | Slovenia |
SWE | Sweden |
SWZ | Eswatini |
SXM | Sint Maarten |
SYC | Seychelles |
SYR | Syria |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Islands |
TCD | Chad |
TGO | Togo |
THA | Thailand |
TJK | Tajikistan |
TKL | Tokelau |
TKM | Turkmenistan |
TLS | Timor-Leste |
TON | Tonga |
TTO | Trinidad and Tobago |
TUN | Tunisia |
TUR | Turkey |
TUV | Tuvalu |
TWN | Taiwan |
TZA | Tanzania |
UGA | Uganda |
UKR | Ukraine |
UMI | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
UNK | United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo (UNMIK) |
URY | Uruguay |
USA | United States |
UZB | Uzbekistan |
VAT | Vatican City |
VCT | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
VEN | Venezuela |
VGB | British Virgin Islands |
VIR | United States Virgin Islands |
VNM | Vietnam |
VUT | Vanuatu |
WLF | Wallis and Futuna |
WSM | Samoa |
XXX | International |
YEM | Yemen |
ZAF | South Africa |
ZMB | Zambia |
ZWE | Zimbabwe |
Currency enums are normalized representations of currencies. Source.
Value | Description |
AED | UAE Dirham/784/2 |
AFN | Afghani/971/2 |
ALL | Lek/008/2 |
AMD | Armenian Dram/051/2 |
ANG | Netherlands Antillean Guilder/532/2 |
AOA | Kwanza/973/2 |
ARS | Argentine Peso/032/2 |
AUD | Australian Dollar/036/2 |
AWG | Aruban Florin/533/2 |
AZN | Azerbaijan Manat/944/2 |
BAM | Convertible Mark/977/2 |
BBD | Barbados Dollar/052/2 |
BDT | Taka/050/2 |
BEF | Belgian Franc |
BGN | Bulgarian Lev/975/2 |
BHD | Bahraini Dinar/048/3 |
BIF | Burundi Franc/108/0 |
BMD | Bermudian Dollar/060/2 |
BND | Brunei Dollar/096/2 |
BOB | Boliviano/068/2 |
BOV | Mvdol/984/2 |
BRL | Brazilian Real/986/2 |
BSD | Bahamian Dollar/044/2 |
BTN | Ngultrum/064/2 |
BWP | Pula/072/2 |
BYN | Belarusian Ruble/933/2 |
BZD | Belize Dollar/084/2 |
CAD | Canadian Dollar/124/2 |
CDF | Congolese Franc/976/2 |
CHE | WIR Euro/947/2 |
CHF | Swiss Franc/756/2 |
CHW | WIR Franc/948/2 |
CLF | Unidad de Fomento/990/4 |
CLP | Chilean Peso/152/0 |
CNY | Yuan Renminbi/156/2 |
COP | Colombian Peso/170/2 |
COU | Unidad de Valor Real/970/2 |
CRC | Costa Rican Colon/188/2 |
CUC | Peso Convertible/931/2 |
CUP | Cuban Peso/192/2 |
CVE | Cabo Verde Escudo/132/2 |
CZK | Czech Koruna/203/2 |
DJF | Djibouti Franc/262/0 |
DKK | Danish Krone/208/2 |
DOP | Dominican Peso/214/2 |
DZD | Algerian Dinar/012/2 |
EGP | Egyptian Pound/818/2 |
ERN | Nakfa/232/2 |
ETB | Ethiopian Birr/230/2 |
EUR | Euro/978/2 |
FJD | Fiji Dollar/242/2 |
FKP | Falkland Islands Pound/238/2 |
GBP | Pound Sterling/826/2 |
GEL | Lari/981/2 |
GHS | Ghana Cedi/936/2 |
GIP | Gibraltar Pound/292/2 |
GMD | Dalasi/270/2 |
GNF | Guinean Franc/324/0 |
GTQ | Quetzal/320/2 |
GYD | Guyana Dollar/328/2 |
HKD | Hong Kong Dollar/344/2 |
HNL | Lempira/340/2 |
HRK | Kuna/191/2 |
HTG | Gourde/332/2 |
HUF | Forint/348/2 |
IDR | Rupiah/360/2 |
ILS | New Israeli Sheqel/376/2 |
INR | Indian Rupee/356/2 |
IQD | Iraqi Dinar/368/3 |
IRR | Iranian Rial/364/2 |
ISK | Iceland Krona/352/0 |
ITL | Italian Lira |
JMD | Jamaican Dollar/388/2 |
JOD | Jordanian Dinar/400/3 |
JPY | Yen/392/0 |
KES | Kenyan Shilling/404/2 |
KGS | Som/417/2 |
KHR | Riel/116/2 |
KMF | Comorian Franc /174/0 |
KPW | North Korean Won/408/2 |
KRW | Won/410/0 |
KWD | Kuwaiti Dinar/414/3 |
KYD | Cayman Islands Dollar/136/2 |
KZT | Tenge/398/2 |
LAK | Lao Kip/418/2 |
LBP | Lebanese Pound/422/2 |
LKR | Sri Lanka Rupee/144/2 |
LRD | Liberian Dollar/430/2 |
LSL | Loti/426/2 |
LVL | Latvian Lat; Learn more here |
LYD | Libyan Dinar/434/3 |
MAD | Moroccan Dirham/504/2 |
MDL | Moldovan Leu/498/2 |
MGA | Malagasy Ariary/969/2 |
MKD | Denar/807/2 |
MMK | Kyat/104/2 |
MNT | Tugrik/496/2 |
MOP | Pataca/446/2 |
MRO | Mauritanian Ouguiya |
MRU | Ouguiya/929/2 |
MUR | Mauritius Rupee/480/2 |
MVR | Rufiyaa/462/2 |
MWK | Malawi Kwacha/454/2 |
MXN | Mexican Peso/484/2 |
MXV | Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)/979/2 |
MYR | Malaysian Ringgit/458/2 |
MZN | Mozambique Metical/943/2 |
NAD | Namibia Dollar/516/2 |
NGN | Naira/566/2 |
NIO | Cordoba Oro/558/2 |
NLG | Dutch Guilder |
NOK | Norwegian Krone/578/2 |
NPR | Nepalese Rupee/524/2 |
NZD | New Zealand Dollar/554/2 |
OMR | Rial Omani/512/3 |
PAB | Balboa/590/2 |
PEN | Sol/604/2 |
PGK | Kina/598/2 |
PHP | Philippine Peso/608/2 |
PKR | Pakistan Rupee/586/2 |
PLN | Zloty/985/2 |
PYG | Guarani/600/0 |
QAR | Qatari Rial/634/2 |
RON | Romanian Leu/946/2 |
RSD | Serbian Dinar/941/2 |
RUB | Russian Ruble/643/2 |
RWF | Rwanda Franc/646/0 |
SAR | Saudi Riyal/682/2 |
SBD | Solomon Islands Dollar/090/2 |
SCR | Seychelles Rupee/690/2 |
SDG | Sudanese Pound/938/2 |
SEK | Swedish Krona/752/2 |
SGD | Singapore Dollar/702/2 |
SHP | Saint Helena Pound/654/2 |
SKK | Slovak Koruna |
SLL | Leone/694/2 |
SOS | Somali Shilling/706/2 |
SRD | Surinam Dollar/968/2 |
SSP | South Sudanese Pound/728/2 |
STN | Dobra/930/2 |
SVC | El Salvador Colon/222/2 |
SYP | Syrian Pound/760/2 |
SZL | Lilangeni/748/2 |
THB | Baht/764/2 |
TJS | Somoni/972/2 |
TMT | Turkmenistan New Manat/934/2 |
TND | Tunisian Dinar/788/3 |
TOP | Pa’anga/776/2 |
TRY | Turkish Lira/949/2 |
TTD | Trinidad and Tobago Dollar/780/2 |
TWD | New Taiwan Dollar/901/2 |
TZS | Tanzanian Shilling/834/2 |
UAH | Hryvnia/980/2 |
UGX | Uganda Shilling/800/0 |
UKH | Ukrainian Hryvnia |
USD | US Dollar/840/2 |
USN | US Dollar (Next day)/997/2 |
UYI | Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (UI)/940/0 |
UYU | Peso Uruguayo/858/2 |
UYW | Unidad Previsional/927/4 |
UZS | Uzbekistan Sum/860/2 |
VES | Bolívar Soberano/928/2 |
VND | Dong/704/0 |
VUV | Vatu/548/0 |
WST | Tala/882/2 |
XAF | CFA Franc BEAC/950/0 |
XAG | Silver/961/N.A. |
XAU | Gold/959/N.A. |
XBA | Bond Markets Unit European Composite Unit (EURCO)/955/N.A. |
XBB | Bond Markets Unit European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.-6)/956/N.A. |
XBC | Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)/957/N.A. |
XBD | Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 17 (E.U.A.-17)/958/N.A. |
XCD | East Caribbean Dollar/951/2 |
XDR | SDR (Special Drawing Right)/960/N.A. |
XOF | CFA Franc BCEAO/952/0 |
XPD | Palladium/964/N.A. |
XPF | CFP Franc/953/0 |
XPT | Platinum/962/N.A. |
XSU | Sucre/994/N.A. |
XTS | Codes specifically reserved for testing purposes/963/N.A. |
XUA | ADB Unit of Account/965/N.A. |
XXX | The code assigned to transactions where no currency is involved/999/N.A. |
YER | Yemeni Rial/886/2 |
ZAR | Rand/710/2 |
ZMW | Zambian Kwacha/967/2 |
ZWL | Zimbabwe Dollar/932/2 |
Finance Type
Finance type enums describe financial information about an entity. They’re typically used to describe the cumulative monetary value of share capital issued by a company or held by an individual shareholder.
Value | Description |
authorized_capital | The maximum amount of share capital a company is allowed to issue under its legal statutes |
paid_up_capital | Cumulative monetary value of the share capital for which one or more shareholders have paid a given company |
registered_capital | Cumulative monetary value of the share capital of a given company |
share_amount | Cumulative monetary value of one or more company shares, typically either held by a shareholder or issued by the company |
share_percentage | Percentage ownership of a given company’s share capital, represented as a value from 0-100 |
subscribed_capital | Cumulative monetary value of the share capital held by shareholders of a given company |
Gender enums are normalized ways to refer to different genders.
Value | Description |
female | Refers to a female person |
male | Refers to a male person |
other | Indicates a gender other than male or female |
Identifier Type
Describes the real-world type of an identifier value that uniquely (strongly) identifies an entity. These are often associated with a governmental organization within a certain jurisdiction. Some of these types are deprecated, meaning they are no longer used.
) are deprecated.Value | Description |
aer_free_zone_license | Primary license number of free zone establishment in Dubai |
aer_free_zone_reg_no | Registration number for Dubai free zone |
aer_ner_number | Unique registration number. Assigned to every company registered with the UAE National Economic Register. |
afg_business_license | Afghanistan natural and legal person business license ID code |
afg_passport | Afghanistan passport number |
afg_trade_internal_shipment_id | Afghanistan Trade Internal Shipment ID |
afghan_tin_number | Afghanistan tax ID number |
ago_matricula_number | Angola company registration number |
ago_nif_number | Angola taxpayer number |
alb_registration_number | |
alb_tax_id | Albania tax ID number |
alberta_corporation_number | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity in the Alberta Corporate Registry. |
alei | Authoritative legal entity identifier (ALEI), a government-issued registration number that is standardized according to ISO 8000 |
are_difc_reg_no | Dubai International Financial Centre registration number |
are_dubai_land_case_no | Case number for Dubai land cases |
are_reg_auth_number | Abu Dhabi Registration Authority Number |
arg_cdi_number | Argentina natural person ID number |
arg_cuil_number | Argentina social security ID number |
arg_cuit_number | Argentina tax ID number |
arg_dni_number | Argentina natural person ID number |
arg_igj_number | Argentina corporate registry ID number |
arg_import_export_id * | Unique identifier for Argentinian imports and exports |
arg_lib_civica_number | Argentina female natural person ID number |
arg_lib_enrolamiento_number | Argentina male natural person ID number |
arg_partial_cuit | Single tax identification code in Argentina for any individual that initiates an economic activity (missing control digit) |
arm_enterprise_code | Armenian enterprise code |
arm_passport_number | Armernian passport number |
arm_registration_no | Armenian regsitration number |
arm_vat_no | Armenian VAT ID number |
aruba_chamber_of_commerce_id | Aruba chamber of commerce ID code |
atg_business_registry_internal_id | Antigua and Barbuda Business Registry Internal ID |
aus_adv_number | Australian identifying number allocated to a financial adviser |
aus_afs_licence_number | Australian financial services licence number |
aus_afs_rep_number | Australian financial services authorized representative number |
aus_business_number | Australia business registry ID number |
aus_company_number | Australia corporate registry ID number |
aus_consolidated_sanctions_reference | Australia Consolidated Sanctions Reference ID |
aus_credit_licence_number | Australian credit licensee number |
aus_credit_rep_number | Australian identifying number allocated to a credit representative |
aus_passport | Australia Passport Number |
aut_firmenbuch_no | Austrian Company Register Number |
aze_tin_number | Azerbaijan TIN. Unique number assigned to taxpayers registered with Azerbaijan State Tax Service. |
bd_bin | Unique business Identification number. Assigned to every registered business in Bangladesh. |
bel_enterprise_number | Belgium Enterprise Number |
bel_establishment_number | Belgium Establishment Number |
bel_national_register_no | Belgium unique natural person ID number. |
bfa_entity_id | Burkina Faso tax ID number |
bfa_rccm_number | OHADA corporate registry ID number |
bgd_passport | Bangladesh Passport Number |
bgr_egn_hashed | A hashed representation of a Bulgarian citizenship number |
bgr_uic | Unique Identification Code for all legal and other entities engaged in business activities in Bulgaria |
bh_cr_number | A Bahraini CR Number |
bh_cr_number_and_branch | A Bahraini CR Number combined with a Bahraini branch number |
bhs_tin | Bahamas Tax Identification Number |
bih_customs_number | |
bih_jib_number | Bosnia and Herzegovina legal person ID number |
bih_mbs_number * | Bosnia and Herzegovina corporate registry ID number |
bill_of_lading | Bill of lading number for trade data |
bitcoin_address | Unique digital currency address |
blr_registration_number | Belarus Registration Number |
blz_bccar_reg_no | Belize Companies & Corporate Affairs Registry (BCCAR) registration number |
bmu_registrar_of_companies_number | Bermuda Registrar of Companies Number |
bmu_registration_number | Bermuda corporate registry ID number |
bol_matricula | Bolivia Matricula Number |
bol_old_matricula | Bolivia Matricula Number (old format) |
bra_case_number | Brazil litigation case ID number |
bra_cnpj | Brazilian corporate ID number |
bra_codigo_da_unidade_organizacional | Brazil federal public servant agency unit ID code |
bra_cpf_number | Brazil natural person tax ID number |
bra_foreigner_reg_num | Registration ID Number for foreigners registered with Brazil National Migratory Registry (RNM). Strong ID. |
bra_rg_number | Brazil natural person ID number |
bra_servidor_portal | Brazil federal public servant internal ID number |
bra_shipment_number | Brazil Shipment Number |
bwa_uin_reg_number | Unique Identification Number. Registration number assigned to companies by the Companies and Intellectual Property Authority. |
bze_bicar_reg_no | Belize International Corporate Affairs Registry (BICAR) registration number |
ca_corporate_id_num | USA California business registry ID number |
ca_lp_file_num | USA California business registry ID number |
caf_passport | Central African Republic Passport Number |
cage | The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID assigned by the US Department of Defense’s Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to refer to a facility at a specific location (includes government suppliers, agencies, and other organizations). CAGE codes for entities outside the USA are called NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) codes and are part of the NATO Codification System (NCS). Learn more here. |
can_bc_company_registration_id | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity in the British Columbia Corporate Registry. |
can_bc_extraprovincial_registration_id | British Columbia Extraprovincial Company Registration ID |
can_bc_registration_number | British Columbia Registration Number |
can_business_number | The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number is a nine-digit tax ID assigned to organizations to help them engage with federal and provincial government programs. Learn more here. |
can_corporation_number | Canada federal corporate registry ID number |
can_cra_program_account_number | Canada tax reporting ID code |
can_data_axle_hash | Hex digest of Data Axle Infogroup ID |
can_ipo_trademark_application_no | Unique Canada ID number. Assigned to every trademark application. |
can_mb_registry | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the Manitoba Companies Office. |
can_new_brunswick_reference_number | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the New Brunswick Corporate Affairs Registry. |
can_nl_corporate_registry | Company number for Canada NL Corporate Registry |
can_nrd | Unique Canada ID number. Assigned to every entity registered with Canadian Securities Administrators National Registration Database. |
can_nrd_individual_id | Unique internal ID number assigned to individuals. Assigned to every individual registered with Canadian Securities Administrators National Registration Database. |
can_ns_corporate_registry | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every entity in the Nova Scotia Corporate Registry. |
can_pe_registration_number | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every entity registered with the Prince Edward Island Corporate Registry. |
can_qc_sap_registry_ref_num | Penalty number assigned by the Quebec Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks to each entity listed as offender in the Register of Administrative Monetary Penalties for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations. |
can_tm_registration_no | Unique Canada ID number. Assigned to every registered trademark. |
ccs_registration | CCS Vessel Registration Number |
che_ch_id_number | |
che_seco_sanction_number | Swiss SECO Sanction Number |
che_uid_number | Switzerland business registry ID number |
china_vessel_inspection_registration | China Vessel Inspection Registration Number |
china_vessel_registration | China Vessel Registration Number |
chl_cedula_number | Chile tax ID Number |
chl_import_export_control_id | Unique identifier for imports and exports in Chile |
chl_import_manifest_number | Unique identifier for Chilean imports |
chl_importer_exporter_id | Unique identifier for Chilean importers and exporters |
chn_cninfo_internal_shareholder_id | Internal identifier for shareholders from CHN cninfo data |
chn_cnipa_tm | China CNIPA Trademark |
chn_csrc_no | China Securities Regulatory Commission Code / 证券代码 |
chn_customs_registration_code * | China customs import and export registration code |
chn_customs_registration_no | Unique customs registration number. Assigned to all entities registered with China General Administration of Customs. |
chn_passport | China Passport Number |
chn_resident_id_number | China Resident Identity Number |
chn_shanghai_stock_exchange_company_code | Company code from Shanghai Stock Exchange |
chn_shenzen_sec_code | Company SEC code from Shenzen stock exchange |
cm_nui_tax_reg_num | Cameroon Tax Registration Number. Unique number assigned to taxpayers in Cameroon and issued by the Directorate General of Tax. |
cn_hk_br_number | Unique Hong Kong tax ID number. Assigned to every company registered with the Hong Kong Business Registration Office. |
cn_hk_cr_number | A Hong Kong CR Number |
cn_hk_filing_number | A Hong Kong document filing number used by ICRIS |
cn_hurd_internal_company_id | Unique internal company ID number. Assigned to every company in China Xinjiang Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Company Database |
cn_importexport_code | China customs code for import and export. May include China USCC; China OC; U.S. SSN; or U.S. EIN. |
cn_organization_code | A Chinese company organization code |
cn_registration_number | A Chinese company registration number |
cn_tax_identification_number | China tax ID number |
cn_tianyancha_human_id * | Internal ID that can be used to link related people within source |
cn_unified_social_credit_code | A Chinese Unified Social Credit Code |
cod_passport | Democratic Republic of the Congo Passport Number |
cod_rccm_number | Democratic Republic of the Congo RCCM Number |
cod_rccm_ohada_number | Democratic Republic of the Congo RCCM OHADA Number |
cok_corp_reg_corpid | Corp ID used in Cook Islands corporate registry |
cok_corp_reg_corpofficerid | Corp ID used for officers in Cook Islands corporate registry |
cok_corp_reg_number | Registration number from Cook Islands corporate registry |
col_cedula_no | Colombian cedula number |
col_dian_numero_formulario | Unique number assigned by the DIAN for each import/export form |
col_nit_no | Colombian tax identification number |
col_nur | Colombia Número Único de Registro |
col_secop_no * | Colombian SECOP internal ID |
cri_cedula_citizen_person | |
cri_cedula_foreign_person | |
cri_cedula_juridica | |
cri_cedula_number | Costa Rica natural person ID number |
cri_exp | Internal ID for Costa Rica comexport data (exporter number) |
cri_imp | Internal ID for Costa Rica comexport data (importer number) |
cri_op_no * | Internal ID for Costa Rica comexport data (shipping operation number) |
cub_cod | Cuba corporate registry ID number |
cuw_reg_number | Curacao Registry Number. Unique Identifier issued by the Curacao Chamber of Commerce & Industry to the registered companies. |
cym_co_no | Company number from Cayman Islands Gazette |
cyp_id_card | Cyprus ID Card |
cyp_infocredit_entity_id | Entity ID from Cyprus infocredit |
cyp_passport | Cyprus Passport |
cyp_reg_no | Cypriot corporate registration number. Prefix corresponds to company type code. |
cyp_ssn | Cyprus SSN |
cze_file_number * | Czechia commercial registry ID number |
cze_ico_number | Czechia legal person ID number |
dart_cik | Korean DART Central Identity Key |
dash_address | Dash address |
deu_bafin_id | Germany BaFin-ID |
deu_registernummer | Germany commercial registry ID number concatenated with registry district court XJustiz ID code |
dji_rcs_number | Djibouti corporate registry ID number |
dma_business_registry_internal_id | Dominica Business Registry Internal ID |
dnk_cvr | Denmark business registration number; learn more here |
dnk_entity | Internal ID for Denmark Virk |
dnk_production_unit_no | Denmark business branch number |
dom_onapi_num | Dominican Republic ONAPI registry number |
dom_rnc | Dominican Republic tax ID number |
ecu_branch_id | Ecuador Branch ID |
ecu_cedula_number | Ecuador cedula |
ecu_company_id | Ecuador corporate registry ID number |
ecu_exporter_id | Ecuador Exporter ID |
ecu_importer_id | Ecuador Importer ID |
ecu_ruc_number | Ecuador tax ID number |
ecu_shipment_ref_no | Ecuador Shipment Reference Number |
egy_id | Egypt National Identity Card Number. The national number is a unique 14-digit identifier assigned to each citizen. |
egy_passport | Egypt passport number |
esp_be_code | Unique identification number assigned to every entity registered with the Bank of Spain. |
esp_borme_reg_id | Value taken from datos registrales section used to identify companies in the Borme. Not an official identifier. |
esp_internal_employee_number | Spain Internal Employee Number |
esp_nif | Spain NIF Number |
esp_tr_number | Spain TR Number |
est_business_reg_code | Estonian Business Registry Code |
est_personal_id | Estonian Personal Identification Code |
ethereum_address | Ethereum address |
eu_fsd_id | Unique EU Financial Sanctions Database ID number. Assigned to every entity in the EU Financial Sanctions Database. |
eu_sanction_rn | EU European Commission sanctions list ID number |
euid | |
fin_business_id | Finnish Business ID |
fl_prop_folio | USA Florida Broward County parcel ID number |
fl_prop_folio_dade | USA Florida Miami-Dade County real property parcel ID number |
fra_asset_freeze_id | Unique reference number assigned to every entity in the France National Asset Freeze Register. |
fra_rna | Unique France ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with National Registry of Associations. |
fra_siren | France business directory ID number |
fra_siret | France legal person establishment ID number |
fro_reg_num | Skráseting Føroya Registration Number. Assigned to legal entities registered with the Company Registry of the Faroe Islands. |
gbr_charity_no | Unique UK charity ID number. Assigned to every charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. |
gbr_company_number * | United Kingdom Confirmation Statement Company Number |
gbr_enforcement_action_num | Action number assigned by the Environment Agency to each enforcement action against offender pursuant to relevant legislation. |
gbr_go_no | Unique UK government organization ID number. Assigned to government organizations in the UK. |
gbr_hm_treasury_sanction_group_id | UK HM Treasury OFSI sanctions list ID number |
gbr_ipo_trademark_reg_no | Unique UK ID number. Assigned to every registered trademark. |
gbr_trustee_id | Unique UK internal ID number. Assigned to every trustee registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. |
gbr_uk_sanctions_id | UK Sanctions List Unique ID |
gbr_vat_no | United Kingdom VAT Number |
geo_identification_code | Identification code from Georgian MyGov companies |
geo_legal_code | Legal code from Georgian MyGov companies |
geo_personal_number | Personal number from Georgian MyGov companies |
geo_state_registration_number * | Georgian state registration number |
ggy_corporate_reg_number | Guernsey Corporate Registry Number |
ggy_trademark_no | Unique Guernsey intellectual property ID number. Assigned to every trademark registered with the Guernsey Intellectual Property Office. |
ggy_trademark_submission_ref | Unique Guernsey intellectual property ID number. Assigned to every trademark application submitted to the Guernsey Intellectual Property Office. |
gib_corp_reg_number | Gibraltar Corporate Registration Number |
global_trade_internal_shipment_id | Global Trade Internal Shipment ID |
grc_afm_number | Greece tax ID number |
grc_gemi_number | General Electronic Commercial Registry (G.E.MI.) number for all legal forms of businesses in Greece |
grc_vat_number * | Greece tax ID number |
gtm_cui_number | Guatemala natural person ID number |
gtm_nit_number | Guatemala tax ID number |
hkg_stock_code | Hong Kong Stock Exchange Code |
hnd_coc_company_registration_number | Honduras Cortes commercial registry ID number |
hnd_tegucigalpa_matricula | Honduras Tegucigalpa Matricula |
hong_kong_case_number | Hong Kong case ID number |
hr_mbs | Croatia corporate registry ID number |
hr_oib | Croatia natural and legal person ID number |
hun_company_register_number | Unique HUN registration number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the Ministry of Justice of Hungary. |
hun_krs_number | Statistical Number for Hungarian companies issued by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
hun_person_tax_id | Unique TIN. Issued for individuals by Hungarian Tax Authorities. |
hun_tax_number | Unique Hungary Tax ID. Issued to companies registered in Hungary. |
iban | Unique ID number. Assigned to individual bank accounts for use in cross-border financial transactions. |
icij_offshore_internal_id | ICIJ Offshore Database Internal ID |
icij_offshore_node_id | ICIJ Offshore Database Node ID |
idn_nik_id | Indonesia National identification number issued to all Indonesian citizens. This ID represents a unique 16-digit number known as a Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK). |
idn_passport | Indonesian passport number |
idn_tax_id | Indonesian tax ID aka NPWP Number; learn more here |
idn_trade_internal_shipment_id | Indonesia Trade Internal Shipment ID |
idn_transaction_number | Unique identifier used for companies in Indonesia UBO data |
idn_ubo_owner_id | Unique identifier used for owners in Indonesia UBO data |
ihs_owner_code | IHS Owner Code |
imn_company_number | Isle of Man Company Number |
imo_no * | Unique global ID number. Assigned to ships, registered ship owners, and management companies. |
ind_charity_registration_number | Unique India registration number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the India Charity Commissioner. |
ind_company_registration_number | Unique India registration number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the India Registrar of Companies. |
ind_coopsoc_registration_number | Unique India registration number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the India Registrar of Cooperative Societies |
ind_corporate_id_number | A unique identification number assigned by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) in various states under the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) |
ind_darpan_uid | Unique India ID number. Assigned to every legal entity included in the NITI Aayog Darpan database. |
ind_director_id_number | A unique eight-digit identification number that is required for any existing or proposed director of a company in India |
ind_fcrn | India foreign company registration number |
ind_ifsc | Unique identifiers for each bank branch participating in India’s National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), and Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) electronic funds transfer systems. |
ind_llpin | India limited liability partnership ID number |
ind_nse_ticker_code | Unique India identifier code. Assigned to all entities listed on the India National Stock Exchange. |
ind_passport | Indian passport number |
ind_permanent_account_number | A permanent account number (PAN) is a 10-digit alphanumeric tax ID issued by the Indian Income Tax Department. |
ind_society_registration_number | Unique India registration number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the India Registrar of Societies. |
ind_tin | India tax identification number. Unique ID number assigned to every taxpayer by the Commercial Tax Department of each state. |
ind_trademark_submission_ref | Unique India intellectual property ID number. Assigned to every trademark application submitted to the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. |
int_maritime_org_id | Unique global ID number. Assigned to ships, registered ship owners, and management companies. |
internal_md5 | Hex digest of data that should be used for resolution (e.g., name=Sayari®istration_date=2000-01-01) |
iraqi_stock_exchange_symbol | Iraqi Stock Exchange Symbol |
irl_rcn | Registered Charity Number (RCN). Unique Identifier issued by the Charities Regulator to the registered charitable organizations awarded with charitable status. |
irl_registration_no * | Unique Ireland ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with Ireland Companies Registration Office. |
irn_coc_internal_id | Iran Tehran chamber of commerce internal ID number |
irn_coc_internal_id_cardno | |
irn_national_id | Iran natural and legal person ID number |
irn_national_number * | Iran natural person ID number |
irn_passport | Iran passport number |
irq_passport | Iraqi passport number |
irq_voter_id | Iraq voter ID number |
isin | Unique global ID code. Assigned to every security issuance for use facilitating the trading, clearing, and settlement of securities transactions. |
isl_tin_number | Iceland natural and legal person ID number |
isl_vat_num | Iceland VAT identification number. Assigned to legal entities registered with Tax Administration. |
isr_association_number | Unique Israel association registration number. Assigned to every association in the Israel Ministry of Justice Association and Public Benefit Company Registry. |
isr_company_number | Israeli Registrar of Companies company number |
isr_national_id | Israel National ID Number. Assigned to all residents over 16 years old who have legal permanent residence status. |
isr_pbc_number | Unique Israel public benefit company registration number. Assigned to every public benefit company in the Israel Ministry of Justice Association and Public Benefit Company Registry. |
ita_fiscal_code | Italy tax ID code |
ita_rea_number | Italy Economic and Administrative Repertory Number |
ita_vat_number | Italy VAT number |
jam_company_id | Unique Jamaica company registration number. Assigned to every company in the Jamaica Corporate Registry. |
jey_corporate_reg_number | Jersey Corporate Registry Number |
jey_trademark_reg_no | Unique Jersey ID number. Assigned to every registered trademark. |
jo_institution_number * | Deprecated; use weak ID jor_sol_prop_institution_number |
jo_internal_id * | Deprecated; use jo_national_institution_number |
jo_national_institution_number | A Jordanian National Institution Number |
jor_id_no * | Deprecated; use jo_national_institution_number |
jor_voter_card_no | Jordan voter ID number |
jordan_company_no * | Deprecated; use weak identifier jordan_company_no |
jpn_corporate_no | Japanese corporate number. Learn more here. |
jpn_edinet_code | Company code from EDINET |
kaz_bin | A 12-digit Kazakh business identification number |
kaz_identifier | A nine-digit Kazakh identifier |
kaz_okpo_num | |
kaz_state_reg_num | |
kaz_tin | A Kazakh tax ID number |
ken_personal_id | Kenya Person ID Number |
kgz_reg_number | Kyrgyzstan company registration number |
khm_tin_number * | Cambodia tax ID number |
kor_business_tin | Korean TIN for businesses |
kor_corporate_registration_number | Korean corporate registration number |
krx_ticker_code | Ticker number for the Korean Stock Exchange |
kwt_passport | Kuwait passport number |
lao_enterprise_number | Laos corporate registry ID number |
lbn_national_id | Lebanon natural person ID number |
lby_passport | Libya passport number |
lca_business_registry_internal_id | St. Lucia Business Registry Internal ID |
lei | Unique global ID code. Assigned to legal entities participating in financial transactions. |
lie_public_reg_no | Liechtenstein corporate registry ID number |
litecoin_address | Unique digital currency address |
lloyds_internal_entity_id * | Entity ID from Lloyd’s Maritime Data |
lloyds_internal_vessel_id * | Vessel ID from Lloyd’s Maritime Data |
lr_tin | Liberia Tax Identification Number. Unique number assigned to taxpayers in Liberia and issued by the Liberia Revenue Authority. |
lso_corpreg_id | Lesotho corporate registry ID number |
ltu_company_registration_code | Lithuanian Company Registration Code |
lux_rcs_number | Luxembourg corporate registry ID number |
lva_insolvency_proceeding_id | Latvian Insolvency Proceedings ID Number |
lva_personal_code | Latvia natural person ID number |
lva_reg_number | Latvia corporate registry ID number |
mac_raem_case_url_id | Identifier taken from document URL to resolve cases. Is slightly different for HTML vs PDF documents. |
mac_registration_no | Macao corporate registry ID number |
malta_accountancy_registration_id | Seems to be tied to accounting/auditing firms |
malta_company_number | A Malta company number |
malta_national_id | A number linked to a Maltese national ID card |
mar_passport | Morocco Passport Number |
mato_grosso_legal_id | |
mco_nis | Monaco Statistical Identification Number. Unique identifier assigned by the Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Monaco Statistics) for entities with economic activity in Monaco. |
mco_rci_number | Monaco RCI Trade Register Number. Unique number assigned to entities with activities in Monaco registered with the Directory of Trade and Industry Directory. |
mda_idno_number | Moldova legal person ID number |
mdg_nif_number * | Madagascar tax ID number |
mdg_rcs_number * | Madagascar corporate registry ID number |
mdg_stat_number | |
mdv_registration_number | Maldives corporate registration number |
mex_cluni | Unique Registration Code in the Federal Register of Civil Society Organizations |
mex_denue_clee | Mexico DENUE Unique ID |
mex_open_contracts_internal_id | Internal ID from Mexican open contracts data |
mex_rnie | Simple 1-up identifier from the Registro Nacional de Inversiones Extranjeras |
mex_shipment_number | Mexico Shipment Number |
mex_tm_no | Mexican trademark number |
mex_yucatan_folio | Mexico Yucatan parcel ID number. Assigned to every parcel and property registered by the Government of the State of Yucatan. |
mkd_archive_number | North Macedonia unique identifier. Assigned to every North Macedonia Corporate Registry Announcement. |
mkd_embs_branch_number | North Macedonia corporate registry ID number |
mkd_embs_number | North Macedonia corporate registry ID number |
mmr_corp_id | Myanmar corporate registry ID for companies |
mmr_officer_id | Myanmar corporate registry ID for officers |
mmr_personal_id_no | Myanmar Personal Identification Number |
mmr_prior_reg_no | Myanmar Prior Registration Number |
mmr_reg_no | Myanmar Registration Number |
mne_pib | Montenegro tax ID number |
mne_property_uid | Montenegro real property registry internal ID number |
mne_reg_number | Registration number from the Montenegro corporate registry |
mng_reg_number | Registration number from the Mongolian corporate registry |
montana_sos_internal_entity_id | Montana Secretary of State Business Entity Number |
moz_dire_no | Mozambique foreign resident ID number |
moz_id_number | Mozambique natural person ID number |
moz_nuel_no | Mozambique corporate registry ID number |
moz_nuit_co | Mozambique legal person tax ID number |
moz_nuit_person | Mozambique natural person tax ID number |
moz_passport | Mozambique passport number |
moz_voter_no | Mozambique voter ID number |
mus_file_no | Mauritius Company File No. |
mus_reg_id | Mauritius business registration number |
mw_tpin_tax_reg_num | Malawi Tax Payer Identification Number. Unique number assigned to taxpayers in Malawi and issued by the Malawi Revenue Authority. |
mx_curp | A unique identity code for citizens and residents of Mexico |
mx_office_fme * | |
mx_rfc_company | |
mx_rfc_person | A tax ID issued by the Mexican Tax Administration Service |
mys_company_reg_no | Malaysia corporate registry ID number |
mys_id_card_no | Malaysia natural person ID number |
mys_moha_list_number | Malaysia MOHA Sanctions List Identifier. Reference number assigned to all entities listed under the Malaysia Ministry of Home Affairs Sanctions List. |
mys_passport | Malaysia passport number |
ng_check_internal_id | NG-Check entity internal ID number |
nga_crp_reg_internal_id | Nigerian Corporate Registry Internal ID |
nga_drivers | Nigerian Driver’s License No. |
nga_nin | Nigerian National Identification Number |
nga_registration_number | Nigeria corporate registry ID code |
nga_registration_sn | Nigerian Corporate Registry Registration Serial No. |
nga_tax_id | Nigerian Tax ID number |
nic_numero_unico | Nicaragua Numero Unico |
nic_ruc_number | Nicaragua RUC Number |
nic_trade_internal_shipment_id | Nicaragua Trade Internal Shipment ID |
ninea_no | Senegal tax ID number |
nld_kvk_branch_number | Dutch Chamber of Commerce Branch/Location Number |
nld_kvk_number | Dutch Chamber of Commerce Number |
nor_org_no | Norway Organisasjonsnummer |
npl_co_reg_no | Nepali Company Registration No. from National Information Technology Center |
nyc_bbl | USA New York City real property parcel ID number |
nyc_crfn | USA New York New York City real property registry ID number |
nzl_co_no | New Zealand corporate registry ID number |
nzl_nzbn | New Zealand business registry ID number |
nzl_russia_sanctions_uid | Unique identifier assigned to every entity in the New Zealand Russia Sanctions Register. |
omn_passport | Oman Passport Number |
on_business_id_number | Unique Canada provincial ID number. Assigned to every business registered with Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services. |
ontario_corporation_number | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity in the Ontario Business Registry. |
pak_co_ntn | Unique Pakistan National Taxpayer Number for Companies and Associations of Persons |
pak_egm_id | Pakistan EGM ID |
pak_ind_ntn | Unique Pakistan National Taxpayer Number for Individuals (equivalent to Computerized National Identity Card number) |
pak_ngo_reg_no | Pakistan NGO Registration Number |
pak_passport | Pakistan passport number |
pan_cedula_number | Panama natural person ID number |
pan_declaration_number | Declaration number for import and export shipments in Panama |
pan_folio_ficha_id | Panama corporate registry ID number |
pan_importer_exporter_id | Unique identifier for Panamanian importers and exporters |
panadata_internal_id | Panadata Internal ID |
panadata_internal_sid * | Panadata Internal SID |
per_carne_de_extranjeria | Peru foreign resident ID number |
per_dni_no | Peru natural person ID number |
per_ruc_no | Peru tax ID number |
phl_bnn | Philippines business registry ID number |
phl_passport | Philippines passport number |
phl_pse_id | Philippines securities issuer internal ID number |
phl_sec_id | Philippines business registry ID number |
phl_tin | Philippines tax ID number |
png_ipa_reg_id | Papua New Guinea business registry ID number |
pol_krs_number | The National Court Register, or Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy (KRS), number in Poland |
pol_nip_number * | Tax identification number from Poland |
pol_regon_number * | The register REGON fulfils the function of the national official Register of National Economy Entities |
pol_rejestr_person_id | Person identifier from Poland Rejestr data |
prk_entity_id | North Korea-China trade data ID code |
prk_internal_trade_id * | North Korea-China trade internal ID number |
prk_passport | North Korea Passport Number |
prk_registration_id | |
prk_shipment_id | North Korea Shipment ID |
prt_trust_number | Portuguese Trust Number |
prt_vat_number | Portuguese VAT Number |
pry_cedula_number | Paraguay natural person ID number |
pry_old_ruc_number | Paraguay tax ID number |
pry_ruc_number | Paraguay tax ID number |
pry_shipment_number * | Paraguay Shipment Number |
pry_tax_id | Paraguay Company Tax ID |
pse_registration_id | Palestine registration ID |
qat_cr_number | Qatar corporate registry ID number |
qat_passport | Qatar Passport Number |
qat_qfc_number | Qatar corporate registry ID number |
quebec_enterprise_number | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity in the Quebec Enterprise Register. |
rccm_no | OHADA corporate registry ID number |
rio_de_janeiro_legal_id * | |
rks_business_number * | |
rks_fiscal_number * | A fiscal number from the Kosovo company registry |
rks_registration_number | Kosovo registration number |
rou_company_registration_code | Romania tax ID number |
rou_company_tin | Romanian tax identification number for companies |
rou_identity_card | Romania natural person ID number |
rou_personal_id_number | Romania natural person ID number |
ru_inn | A Russian tax ID. Individuals get a 12-digit number; companies get 10 digits. |
ru_ogrn | A Russian company registration number with 12 digits |
ru_ship_register_id | Russia vessel registry ID number |
ru_trade_internal_shipment_id | Russia Trade Internal Shipment ID |
rus_bik_code | Russia Bank Identification Code |
rus_declaration_number | A unique concatenation of bill of lading number, date of customs declaration and Russia customs sequence number. |
rus_micex_code | Russia securities ID code |
rus_passport | Russia passport number |
rus_tourist_obj | Russian Tourist Object Serial number in the Federal list |
saskatchewan_registry_number | Unique Canada province ID number. Assigned to every legal entity in the Saskatchewan Corporate Registry. |
sau_cr_number | Saudi Arabia Commercial Registration ID Number. Issued by Ministry of Commerce of Saudi Arabia. |
sau_establishment_num | Unified Saudi Arabia National Number of the Establishment. Issued by the Ministry of Commerce of Saudi Arabia via the National Information Center. This ID may also be issued through the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for establishments that do not require a commercial registration to practice business activity. It normally consists of ten digits. |
sau_id | Saudi Arabia National Identity Card Number. The identification card number in Saudi Arabia is a 10-digit numerical sequence called the Iqama number. |
sau_passport | Saudi Arabian passport number |
sayari_internal_identifier | UID used to merge entities internally |
sgp_passport | Singapore Passport Number |
sgp_unqiue_entity_number | The UEN is a standard, unique identification number for a registered entity in Singapore. It is comparable to the NRIC number, which is an ID number for Singapore citizens. |
siger_internal_id | Mexico corporate registry internal ID number |
slv_commercial_reg_number | El Salvador commercial registry ID number |
slv_mcas | El Salvador corporate registry ID number |
slv_numero_identificacion_tributaria | El Salvador tax ID number |
slv_uid_number | El Salvador natural person ID number |
smr_economic_operator_code | San Marino Economic Operator Code |
som_ubi | Somalian UBI Number |
south_africa_enterprise_number | Enterprise number for South African companies |
south_africa_passport_number | South African passport number |
srb_beneficial_owner_id | Unique Serbia ID number. Assigned to every entity registered with the Serbia Business Register Agency’s Register of Beneficial Owners. |
srb_branch_id | Serbia branch ID |
srb_mb_number | Serbia company registration number (matični broj) |
srb_pib_number | Serbia tax ID number |
ssd_passport | South Sudan Passport Number |
stock_ticker | Stock market ticker |
svk_ico_number | Slovakia legal person ID number |
svn_ajpes_zapst_number | ZAPST number used for shareholders and partners in Slovenia Corporate Registry |
svn_co_reg_no | Slovenian Company Registry ID Number |
svn_vat_number | Slovenian VAT number |
swe_fi_id | Sweden FI Identification Number |
swe_org_no | Sweden Organisationsnummer. May have ”-” separating last three digits. |
swe_per_id_no | Swedish personal identity number (Personnummer) |
swe_tax_number | Swedish Organisationnummer with two-digit prefix |
swift_bic_code | Unique global ID code. Assigned to financial and non-financial institutions for use addressing messages, routing business transactions, and identifying business parties. |
syr_passport | Syria passport number |
syria_commercial_register_number | Unique Syria ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with the Syria Ministry of Economy and Foreign Trade. |
tha_registration_no | Thailand corporate registry ID number |
tjk_ein_number | Tajikistan EIN (RYIAM) number. Unique number assigned to taxpayers in Tajikistan. |
tjk_tin_number | Tajikistan TIN. Unique number assigned to taxpayers registered with Tajikistan Tax Authorities. |
tokyo_stock_exchange_no | Unique identifier for Tokyo Stock Exchange companies |
tto_biz_number | Trinbagonian Business Number |
tun_passport | Tunisia passport number |
tur_id | Türkiye Identification Number. This ID number is a unique 11-digit personal identification number assigned to citizens of Turkey. |
tur_istanbul_coc_reg_no | Istanbul Chamber of Commerce registration number |
tur_izmir_coc_reg_no | Izmir Chamber of Commerce registration number |
tur_mersis_number | Turkish Central Registry Number System (MERSIS) number |
tur_passport | Türkiye passport number |
tur_shipment_id | Unique concatenation of bill of lading number and item number for shipments in Turkey. |
tur_tax_id | Turkish Tax Identifier |
tur_ticaret_sicil_no | Turkey Trade Registry Number, Ticaret Sicil. Unique registration number for companies in Turkey. |
twn_factory_establishment_permit_case_number | Establishment permit case number for Taiwanese factories |
twn_factory_registration_number | Registration number for Taiwanese factories |
twn_passport_number | Taiwan Passport Number |
twn_unified_number | Taiwan tax ID number |
tx_corp_file_num | USA Texas corporate registry ID number |
tx_entity_filing_num | USA Texas corporate registry ID number |
tx_land_id | USA Texas land segment ID number |
tx_pacs_id | USA Texas Bexar County property owner ID number |
tx_prop_id | USA Texas Bexar County property ID number |
tx_tax_id | USA Texas tax ID number |
tza_brela_reg_num | Tanzania Registration Number. Unique identifier issued by the Tanzania Business Registration and Licensing Agency and assigned to the registered entities. |
uk_company_number | A UK company registration number. The pattern was sourced from the snapshot file documentation provided to us. When the first two characters are not digits, they have a special meaning. |
uk_firm_reference_number | Unique UK ID number. Assigned to every firm in the FCA financial services registry. |
uk_passport | Passport Number issued by the United Kingdom. |
uk_person_number | Internal person ID |
uk_title_number | Title number for a property in the UK |
ukr_fiu_list_number | Ukraine SFMS List Identifier. Reference number assigned to all entities listed under Ukraine SFMS List for Terrorism. |
ukr_moj_id | |
ukr_reg_num | Ukrainian Registration Number |
ukr_sanctions_nazk_company_internal_id | Ukraine NAZK sanctions company internal ID |
ukr_sanctions_nazk_person_internal_id | Ukraine NAZK sanctions person internal ID |
un_sanction_prn | UN Security Council sanctions list ID code |
ury_ruc_number | Uruguay tax ID number |
usa_ak_entity_no | USA Alaskan Secretary of State entity number |
usa_al_sos_id | USA Alabama Secretary of State Business Entity ID |
usa_ar_filing_no | USA Arkansas Secretary of State Filing No. |
usa_az_corp_reg_entity_num | USA Arizona Corporate Registry Entity Number |
usa_central_registration_depository_number | Central Registration Depository (CRD) number from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the USA. The CRD number is a company/person identifier. |
usa_cgac_agency_code | Common Government-wide Accounting Classification (CGAC) agency code assigned by the US Treasury |
usa_co_reg_no | USA Colorado Secretary of State registration number |
usa_consolidated_screening_list_synthetic_id | |
usa_corpwatch_id | CorpWatch Database ID |
usa_ct_business_id | USA Connecticut Business ID |
usa_ct_internal_id | USA Connecticut Internal ID |
usa_cusip_number | Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) number. Identifies a North American financial security. |
usa_dc_entity_no | USA Washington, D.C. CorpOnline entity number |
usa_dc_file_no | USA Washington, D.C. corporate registry file number |
usa_de_file_number | USA Delaware File Number |
usa_de_registered_agent_id | USA Delaware Registered Agent ID |
usa_fei_number | USA IRS employer ID number |
usa_fl_document_no | USA Florida corporate registry ID code |
usa_fl_fic_name_reg_no | USA Florida corporate registry ID code |
usa_fl_martin_pid | Unique Florida county land and property ID number. Assigned to every parcel registered with the Martin County Property Appraiser’s Office. |
usa_fl_pb_pcn | Unique USA county land and property ID number. Assigned to every parcel and property registered with the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office. |
usa_fl_property_id | Identifier for Florida, USA, property parcels. A concatenation of county code and parcel ID. |
usa_fl_property_mp_id | Code unique to every parcel within the real property file. Used in Florida, USA. |
usa_fl_property_state_par_id | Code assigned to each parcel based on a statewide parcel coding system. Used in Florida, USA. |
usa_fl_sl_pid | Unique Florida county land and property ID number. Assigned to every parcel registered with the Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser’s Office. |
usa_ga_business_id | USA Georgia business registry internal ID number |
usa_ga_control_no | USA Georgia business registry ID number |
usa_govt_agency_id | Identifier for a US government agency |
usa_govt_office_id | Identifier for a US government agency office |
usa_hi_corporate_registry_id | Identifier made from File Number and File Suffix in Hawaii, USA, corporate registry |
usa_hi_corporate_registry_person_id | Identifier for officers in Hawaii, USA, corporate registry |
usa_hi_trade_name_cert | USA Hawaii Certificate Number |
usa_ia_corp_no | USA Iowa Secretary of State corporation number |
usa_id_control_no | USA Idaho Business Control Number |
usa_id_party_id | USA Idaho Registered Agent ID |
usa_il_chicago_account_number | Account number for businesses on the Chicago, Illinois, business license registry |
usa_il_file_number | USA Illinois Secretary of State File Number |
usa_in_biz_no | Business ID from Indiana, USA, corporate registry |
usa_irs_ein * | USA IRS employer ID number |
usa_irs_giin | Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN). Unique Identifier issued by the IRS to financial institutions, branches, direct reporting non-financial foreign entities, and sponsored entities. |
usa_ks_biz_id | USA Kansas Business ID |
usa_ky_org_no | USA state of Kentucky organization number assigned to businesses |
usa_la_sos_id | USA Louisiana Secretary of State Business Entity Number |
usa_mass_sos_company_id | USA Massachusetts Secretary of State Company ID |
usa_md_dpt_tax | USA Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation Business ID with prefix |
usa_me_corp_id | USA Maine corporate ID |
usa_mi_corp_id | USA Michigan corporate ID |
usa_mi_corp_id_old | USA Michigan corporate ID (old format) |
usa_mn_filing_number * | USA Minnesota Secretary of State Filing Number |
usa_mn_master_id | USA Minnesota Secretary of State Unique ID |
usa_mo_corp_id | Autoincrement corporation ID from the Missouri Corporate Registry |
usa_ms_biz_id | USA Mississippi Business ID |
usa_nc_internal_id | USA North Carolina SOS corporations UID |
usa_nd_control_id | USA North Dakota Secretary of State control ID |
usa_ne_acct_no | USA Nebraska corporate registry account number |
usa_ne_agent_id | USA Nebraska registered agent ID number |
usa_nh_business_id | USA New Hampshire Business ID |
usa_nj_business_id | USA New Jersey Department of Treasury Business ID |
usa_nm_business_no | USA New Mexico Secretary of State business number |
usa_nm_license_id * | USA New Mexico Secretary of State License ID |
usa_npi_number | The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique number for health care providers in the United States. |
usa_nv_bizid | USA Nevada business registry ID code |
usa_nv_corpno | USA Nevada corporate registry ID code |
usa_ny_dos_id | USA New York corporate registry ID number |
usa_ny_reg_id | |
usa_ofac_sdn_number | USA Treasury sanctions list ID number |
usa_oh_charter_num | USA Ohio business charter number |
usa_ok_filing_no | USA Oklahoma Business Filing Number |
usa_or_regno | USA Oregon business registry ID number |
usa_oti_id | USA OTI Organization Number |
usa_pa_corporate_registry_id | USA Pennsylvania Department of State Business Entity ID Number |
usa_puerto_rico_register_number | USA Puerto Rico corporate registry ID number |
usa_ri_fei_no | USA Rhode Island filing entity identification number |
usa_sam_exclusions_number | |
usa_sam_uei_number | Unique Entity Identifier (SAM) |
usa_sc_corp_id | USA South Carolina Secretary of State Corporation ID |
usa_sd_corp_id | USA South Dakota Corporate ID |
usa_sec_cik_number | USA SEC disclosure filer ID number |
usa_sec_file_number_bd | One format variation of the SEC file number associated with bdSECNumber in USA/finra_barred_relats |
usa_sec_file_number_ia | One format variation of the SEC file number associated with iaSECNumber in USA/finra_barred_relats |
usa_sec_private_fund | SEC private fund ID |
usa_social_security_number | USA social security ID number |
usa_tn_control_no | USA Tennessee Business Control Number |
usa_tn_party_id | USA Tennessee Registered Agent ID |
usa_upin_number | A Unique Physician Identification Number (UPIN) is a unique six-character alphanumeric identifier for health care providers in the United States that was discontinued in June 2007. |
usa_uspto_foreign_application_no | Unique USA ID number. Assigned to every foreign trademark application. |
usa_uspto_foreign_reg_no | Unique USA ID number. Assigned to every registered foreign trademark. |
usa_uspto_reg_no | Unique USA ID number. Assigned to every registered trademark. |
usa_uspto_serial_number | Unique USA ID number. Assigned to every trademark application. |
usa_usvi_corp_number | Identifier for corporations and trademarks in US Virgin Islands |
usa_va_old_reg_id | |
usa_va_reg_id | A Virginia State Corporation Commission entity number |
usa_vt_biz_id | USA Vermont Business ID |
usa_washington_state_ubi | USA Washington business registry ID number |
usa_wi_dfi_id | USA Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions ID |
usa_wv_reg_id | USA West Virginia Corporate Registry ID |
usa_wy_filing_id | USA Wyoming business registry ID number |
usa_wy_filing_num | Unique USA state ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with Wyoming Secretary of State. |
usa_wy_internal_filing_id | WY internal filing ID (primary key) |
usa_wy_party_id | USA Wyoming business registry ID number |
utah_corporate_registry_internal_entity_number | Utah Secretary of State Business Entity Number |
uzb_tin_number | Uzbekistan tax ID number |
validatis_number | Validatis identification number |
vat * | Value-added tax ID number |
ven_cedula_number | A Venezuelan national ID number for individuals |
ven_rif | Venezuelan tax ID for companies and individuals |
ven_rnc_number * | A certificate number for the National Registry of Contractors in Venezuela |
ven_saren_internal_employer_number | Internal company ID |
vgb_company_number | British Virgin Islands corporate registry ID number |
vnm_citizenship_no | Vietnam natural person ID number |
vnm_dichvuthongtin_internal_id | Vietnam business registry internal ID number |
vnm_enterprise_code | Vietnam tax ID number |
vnm_person_id_no | Vietnam natural person ID number |
vut_corp_reg_number | Vanuatu Corporate Registry Number |
wipo_intl_ref_no | Unique USA ID number. Assigned to every foreign trademark application. |
wipo_intl_reg_no | Unique USA ID number. Assigned to every registered foreign trademark. |
xxx_acuris_id | Acuris Unique ID |
xxx_cedar_rose_uid | Cedar Rose entity internal ID number |
xxx_crb_monitor_entity_id | Unique identifier for entities in CRB Monitor data |
xxx_edi_global_issuer_id | Unique identifier for issuers in EDI Global data |
xxx_edi_global_security_id | Unique identifier for securities in EDI Global data |
xxx_eu_esma_sanctions_id | EU ESMA Sanctions List. Reference number assigned to all entities listed under the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Sanctions List. |
xxx_intel_internal_id | Sayari Intel entity internal ID number |
xxx_rccm | OHADA corporate registry ID number |
yem_coc_registration_number | Yemen chamber of commerce ID number |
yem_passport | Yemen passport number |
yugoslav_master_citizen_num | Former Yugoslav republic natural person ID number |
zcash_address | Zcash address |
Language enums are normalized representations of languages. Source.
Value | Description |
aa | Afar |
ab | Abkhazian |
ae | Avestan |
af | Afrikaans |
ak | Akan |
am | Amharic |
an | Aragonese |
ar | Arabic |
as | Assamese |
av | Avaric |
ay | Aymara |
az | Azerbaijani |
ba | Bashkir |
be | Belarusian |
bg | Bulgarian |
bh | Bihari languages |
bi | Bislama |
bm | Bambara |
bn | Bengali |
bo | Tibetan |
br | Breton |
bs | Bosnian |
ca | Catalan; Valencian |
ce | Chechen |
ch | Chamorro |
co | Corsican |
cr | Cree |
cs | Czech |
cu | Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic |
cv | Chuvash |
cy | Welsh |
da | Danish |
de | German |
dv | Divehi; Dhivehi; Maldivian |
dz | Dzongkha |
ee | Ewe |
el | Greek, Modern (1453-) |
en | English |
eo | Esperanto |
es | Spanish; Castilian |
et | Estonian |
eu | Basque |
fa | Persian |
ff | Fulah |
fi | Finnish |
fj | Fijian |
fo | Faroese |
fr | French |
fy | Western Frisian |
ga | Irish |
gd | Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic |
gl | Galician |
gn | Guarani |
gu | Gujarati |
gv | Manx |
ha | Hausa |
he | Hebrew |
hi | Hindi |
ho | Hiri Motu |
hr | Croatian |
ht | Haitian; Haitian Creole |
hu | Hungarian |
hy | Armenian |
hz | Herero |
ia | Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) |
id | Indonesian |
ie | Interlingue; Occidental |
ig | Igbo |
ii | Sichuan Yi; Nuosu |
ik | Inupiaq |
io | Ido |
is | Icelandic |
it | Italian |
iu | Inuktitut |
ja | Japanese |
jv | Javanese |
ka | Georgian |
kg | Kongo |
ki | Kikuyu; Gikuyu |
kj | Kuanyama; Kwanyama |
kk | Kazakh |
kl | Kalaallisut; Greenlandic |
km | Central Khmer |
kn | Kannada |
ko | Korean |
kr | Kanuri |
ks | Kashmiri |
ku | Kurdish |
kv | Komi |
kw | Cornish |
ky | Kirghiz; Kyrgyz |
la | Latin |
lb | Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch |
lg | Ganda |
li | Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish |
ln | Lingala |
lo | Lao |
lt | Lithuanian |
lu | Luba-Katanga |
lv | Latvian |
mg | Malagasy |
mh | Marshallese |
mi | Maori |
mk | Macedonian |
ml | Malayalam |
mn | Mongolian |
mr | Marathi |
ms | Malay |
mt | Maltese |
my | Burmese |
na | Nauru |
nb | Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål |
nd | Ndebele, North; North Ndebele |
ne | Nepali |
ng | Ndonga |
nl | Dutch; Flemish |
nn | Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian |
no | Norwegian |
nr | Ndebele, South; South Ndebele |
nv | Navajo; Navaho |
ny | Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja |
oc | Occitan (post 1500); Provençal |
oj | Ojibwa |
om | Oromo |
or | Oriya |
os | Ossetian; Ossetic |
pa | Panjabi; Punjabi |
pi | Pali |
pl | Polish |
ps | Pushto; Pashto |
pt | Portuguese |
qu | Quechua |
rm | Romansh |
rn | Rundi |
ro | Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan |
ru | Russian |
rw | Kinyarwanda |
sa | Sanskrit |
sc | Sardinian |
sd | Sindhi |
se | Northern Sami |
sg | Sango |
si | Sinhala; Sinhalese |
sk | Slovak |
sl | Slovenian |
sm | Samoan |
sn | Shona |
so | Somali |
sq | Albanian |
sr | Serbian |
ss | Swati |
st | Sotho, Southern |
su | Sundanese |
sv | Swedish |
sw | Swahili |
ta | Tamil |
te | Telugu |
tg | Tajik |
th | Thai |
ti | Tigrinya |
tk | Turkmen |
tl | Tagalog |
tn | Tswana |
to | Tonga (Tonga Islands) |
tr | Turkish |
ts | Tsonga |
tt | Tatar |
tw | Twi |
ty | Tahitian |
ug | Uighur; Uyghur |
uk | Ukrainian |
ur | Urdu |
uz | Uzbek |
ve | Venda |
vi | Vietnamese |
vo | Volapük |
wa | Walloon |
wo | Wolof |
xh | Xhosa |
yi | Yiddish |
yo | Yoruba |
za | Zhuang; Chuang |
zh | Chinese |
zu | Zulu |
Measurement Type
Measurement type enums refer to the type of measurement applied to the entity, e.g., net weight.
Value | Description |
gross_weight | Total weight including the weight of goods, packaging, and any additional accessories used for shipping |
net_weight | Weight of raw goods only |
quantity | Describes the number of units of product |
Monetary Value Context
Monetary value context enums describe the types of financial values an asset can have.
Value | Description |
assessed_value | Indicates value determined by customs authorities |
cost_insurance_and_freight | Indicates cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) arrangement |
free_on_board | Indicates free on board (FOB) arrangement |
Name Context
Name context enums describe different ways in which a name can belong to an entity.
Value | Description |
alias | An alternative, former, or otherwise non-primary name |
family | A family name (i.e., last name) |
given | A given name (i.e., first name, middle name) |
machine_translation | A machine translation of a name |
primary | The main name, full name, or “best name” for an entity |
trade_name | A discretely registered name used by a person or company not operating under its legal name |
transliteration | A machine transliteration of a name using a specific system (e.g., Pinyin, ISO, UNGEGN) |
Person Status
Person status enums describe different life events.
Value | Description |
born | Indicates a person was born |
died | Indicates a person died |
married | Indicates a marriage |
Status Context
Status context enums describe the different types of statuses that can be represented in a status attribute.
Value | Description |
broker_license | e.g., “Broker”, “Intermediary”. An individual who acts as an intermediary for trading, lending, and investing purposes. |
general_partnership_status | e.g., “Partnership”. A basic form of partnership under common law. A company entity, typically unincorporated, comprised of two or more partners who agree to share in all assets, profits, and liabilities of a business. |
investment_advisor_license | e.g., “Investment Advisor”. An individual who provides investment advice and/or securities analysis services for a fee. |
limited_liability_partnership_status | e.g., “LLP”, “Limited-Liability Limited Partnership”. A partnership in which some or all partners have limited liabilities. Each partner’s liabilities are limited to the amount they contribute to the business. |
sole_proprietorship_status | e.g., “Sole proprietor”, “Sole proprietorship”, “Individual entrepreneurship”, “Sole trader”. |
Risk tags describe risk associated with an entity.
Value | Description |
aspi_uyghur_forced_labor_report_entity | The entity is named in the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s report, “Uyghurs for sale: ‘Re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang.” The ASPI has identified entities that are using Uyghur labour transferred from Xinjiang since 2017. |
bis_boycott_requester_list | The entity is listed on the USA BIS Boycott Requester List as having made a boycott-related request in connection with a transaction in the interstate or foreign commerce of the United States and has been reported to BIS as required by Section 760.5 of the EAR. |
export_controls | The entity is subject to trade restrictions per the U.S. Consolidated Screening List, a list of parties for which the United States government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items. |
export_controls_bis_entity | |
forced_labor_xinjiang_contractors | The entity appears on a government list of entities authorized to procure and contract with the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC). The U.S. Department of the Treasury has designated the XPCC a paramilitary organization subordinate to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) engaged in human rights abuses in Xinjiang, including forced labor. |
former_soe | The entity was formerly a state-owned enterprise (SOE). According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a state-owned enterprise is defined as any corporate entity recognized by national law as an enterprise, and in which the state exercises ownership or control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership. Applicable to entities derived from risk intelligence data. |
formerly_sanctioned | The entity was formerly subject to trade, transport, immigration, or financial sanctions in international sanctions lists. |
law_enforcement_action | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced in relation to a law enforcement action. |
pep | According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), politically exposed persons (PEPs) are individuals who are or have been entrusted with prominent public functions. Examples include heads of state or of government, senior politicians, senior government officials, judicial or military officials, senior executives of state-owned corporations, and important political party officials. Applicable to entities derived from Acuris Risk Intelligence and PEP, politician, and public servant data. |
regulatory_action | The entity has been listed as subject to enforcement action by regulatory authorities, law enforcement/anti-corruption agencies, or other disciplinary bodies. |
reputational_risk_bribery_and_corruption | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for criminal activity related to bribery and corruption. |
reputational_risk_cybercrime | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for criminal activity related to cybercrime. |
reputational_risk_financial_crime | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for criminal activity related to financial crime. |
reputational_risk_modern_slavery | |
reputational_risk_organized_crime | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for criminal activity related to organized crime. |
reputational_risk_other | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for criminal activity related to other reputational risk. |
reputational_risk_terrorism | The entity has been mentioned by official government websites or mass media outlets as wanted, charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced for criminal activity related to terrorism. |
sanctioned | Entities (persons, companies, aircraft, or vessels) currently subject to trade, transport, immigration, or financial sanctions in international sanctions lists. |
sheffield_hallam_university_forced_labor_entity | The entity is named in Sheffield Hallam University Forced Labor Reports for having reasonable evidence of the use of forced labor in the XUAR (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) through the manufacturing or production of goods. |
state_owned | According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a state-owned enterprise is defined as any corporate entity recognized by national law as an enterprise, and in which the state exercises ownership or control through full, majority, or significant minority ownership. Applicable to entities derived from Acuris Risk Intelligence. |
uflpa_entity | |
wro_entity | The entity is actively subject to trade restrictions per the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Withhold Release Orders (WRO) and Findings List, a list of parties for which the United States government has reasonable evidence of the use of forced labor in the manufacturing or production of a good or goods entering the U.S. supply chain. |
Translation Context
Translation context enums describe different types of translations.
Value | Description |
google_translate | A translation made using Google Translate API |
pinyin | A Pinyin transliteration |
sayari_machine_translation | A translation made using a Sayari machine learning model |
These enums describe the unit of measurement (i.e., using SI base units) for some dimension of an entity.
Value | Description |
kilogram | Indicates kilograms (kg) |
metre | Indicates meters (m) |
unit | Used to show the number of units of a product |
Weak Identifier Type
This includes all weak (non-unique) identifiers in Sayari’s database.
) are deprecated.Value | Description |
arg_igj_number | Unique company ID from Inspección General de Justicia in Argentina |
arg_import_export_id | Unique identifier for Argentinian imports and exports |
atg_corporate_registry_entity_num | Antigua and Barbuda Business Registry Entity Number |
aus_asic_disqualified_persons_number | ASIC’s internal document number used to identify the document containing the ban or disqualification notice/order in the Australia ASIC Banned and Disqualified Persons Register. |
aus_state_reg_number | Weak AUS state registration number. Registration number assigned when legal entity is originally registered by the Australian State. |
aut_former_cr_no | Austrian Company Register Number (no longer used) |
aut_natl_bank_no | Austrian National Bank ID Number |
bih_mbs_number | Bosnia and Herzegovina business register registration number |
bill_of_lading | Bill of lading number for trade data |
bmu_registration_number | Bermuda registration number |
bra_partial_cpf | Individual taxpayer registry identification in Brazil. Learn more here |
brazilian_oab | Brazilian Lawyer Identification number |
ccs_ship_class_number | China Classification Society Ship Class Number |
chl_santiago_gazette_cve | CVE number in Chile Santiago Gazette |
chn_cninfo_legal_person_id | Internal identifier for legal persons from CHN cninfo data |
chn_customs_registration_code | Chinese customs registration code. Downgraded to weak identifier. |
cofi_code | National identification number for enterprises and associations (Senegal) |
col_bill_of_lading | Bill of lading number for Colombian trade data |
col_matricula_mercantil | Matricula mercantil number, which is non-unique across different chambers of commerce |
col_secop_no | Colombian SECOP internal ID |
cri_op_no | Internal ID for Costa Rica comexport data (shipping operation number) |
cze_file_number | Czechia file number from MOJ registry |
deu_registernummer | The company number given to each company listed in Handelsregister, the German Commercial Register. It is not unique unless combined with the district court XJustiz ID, which this weak identifier does not contain because in some cases it is not provided. |
dma_corporate_registry_entity_num | Dominica Business Registry Entity Number |
gbr_grant_info_number | UK entity ID number assigned to entities registered in the UK Government Grants Information System |
geo_state_registration_number | Georgian state registration number |
hnd_tegucigalpa_notary | Notary office number for notaries in Honduras Tegucigalpa source |
hun_opten_id | Internal ID for Hungarian companies by Opten Ltd |
ind_sebi | Weak identifier. Assigned to entities registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India. |
irl_registration_no | Unique Ireland ID number. Assigned to every legal entity registered with Ireland Companies Registration Office. |
irn_reg_number | Iranian registration number |
irq_provision_card | Iraq Provision Card No. |
ita_ebr_reg_number | Number in registry per EBR |
ita_ebr_short_search_code | EBR short search code |
jor_sol_prop_institution_number | Weak identifier found in sole proprietor source |
jordan_company_no | Company number from Jordan corporate registry |
jpn_permit_no | Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism permit number |
kgz_inn | Kyrgyzstan INN |
kgz_okpo | A unique identifier that is reissued when a company dissolves. Applies to Kyrgyz companies. |
khm_tin_number | Cambodia tax identification number |
lbn_family_number | Lebanese family number |
lbn_registration_number | |
lca_corporate_registry_entity_num | St. Lucia Business Registry Entity Number |
lva_court_case_id | Latvian Court Case ID Number |
lva_person_id_masked | Latvian Personal ID Number (last 5 digits masked) |
mac_raem_case_number | Case number for legal matters from Macao Tribunais da RAEM Judgments |
maritime_call_sign | Unique call sign for vessels |
maritime_mobile_service_identity | Maritime Mobile Service Identity number. Learn more here |
mbl_hm_hud_num | Mobile Home HUD Number |
mbl_hm_sn | Mobile Home Serial Number |
mbl_hm_title_num | Mobile Home Title Number |
mdg_nif_number | A tax identifier number (NIF) in Madagascar. |
mdg_rcs_number | A tax identifier number (RCS) in Madagascar. |
mex_declaranet_acuse | Time stamp unique to each politician’s filing on Declaranet |
mex_tm_app_no | Mexican trademark application number |
mex_tm_reg_no | Mexican trademark registration number |
mlr_reg_num | Internal registration number for entities that have registered with HM Revenue & Customs under respective regulations for money laundering supervision and guidance. |
mx_fme | Mexican FME |
mx_partial_rfc_person * | Partial Mexican RFC |
pak_cnic_family_no | Pakistan CNIC family number |
pak_old_company_code | Old Pakistan company code |
pan_folio | Panama Folio No. |
pan_ibc_ruc | Panama IBC RUC |
partial_ven_cedula | An identification card or passport document for people in Venezuela |
pol_nip_number | Tax identification number from Poland |
pol_regon_number | The register REGON serves as the national official Register of National Economy Entities. |
prk_internal_trade_id | North Korea-China trade internal ID number |
prk_ship_reg_no | Registration numbers for North Korean ships |
pry_shipment_number | Paraguay Shipment Number |
rks_business_number | Kosovo Business No. |
rks_fiscal_number | A fiscal number from the Kosovo company registry |
rks_kta_number | An identifier from the Kosovo company registry |
rou_commercial_register_id | Romanian Commercial Register ID (concatenated from jud_com, nr_com, and an_com from ROU/taxpayers) |
ru_kpp | Russian KPP, or tax registration event code |
ru_license_number | Label for various license numbers extracted from EGRUL (Russia Federal Tax Registry) documents |
ru_nza | Foreign entity accreditation number |
ru_okpo | A unique identifier that is reissued when a company dissolves. Applies to Russian companies. |
ru_oktmo | Russia OKTMO (Russian Classification of Territories of Municipal Formations) |
rus_cbr_id | Russia Central Bank ID |
south_africa_partial_id_number | Partial South African ID number for individuals |
tur_office_registration_number | Turkey municipal trade registry ID number. Assigned by municipal chambers of commerce in Turkey. |
tur_partial_mersis_number | Partial Turkish Central Registry Number System (MERSIS) number |
tx_bexar_property_geo_id | Bexar Appraisal District GEO ID |
ukr_edrpou | Learn more here |
unknown | A string that is thought to be an ID number, but whose type is unknown |
unknown_bra_case_number | Brazil Litigation Case No. |
unknown_chamber_of_commerce_id | A chamber of commerce number of unknown origin |
unknown_civil_reg_num | A civil registration number whose country of origin is not known |
unknown_commercial_register_id | A commercial registration number of unknown origin |
unknown_folio_id_num | A folio ID Number whose country of origin is not known |
unknown_industrial_license_num | An industrial license number of unknown origin |
unknown_license_num | A license number of unknown origin |
unknown_national_id_num | A national ID number whose country of origin is not known |
unknown_passport | A passport number whose country of origin is not known |
unknown_residency_num | A residency number whose country of origin is not known |
usa_cbp_wro_id | USA Customs and Border Protection Withhold Release Order ID |
usa_former_fein | Former USA/IRS FEI/EIN Number |
usa_generic_ticker | Ticker symbol for securities without exchange information |
usa_il_chicago_site_number | Site number of business registered in Chicago, Illinois, business license registry (unique to account number) |
usa_imports_system_identity_id | Identifier for shipment transactions |
usa_mn_filing_number | USA Minnesota Secretary of State Filing Number |
usa_mo_corp_number | Corporation Number from USA Missouri Corporate Registry. Used on SOS search. |
usa_mo_entity_id | Entity ID from USA Missouri Corporate Registry |
usa_nc_corp_no | USA North Carolina SOS corporation number |
usa_nm_license_id | USA New Mexico Secretary of State License ID |
vat | Value-added tax ID number |
ven_colegiado_number | Identification number for Venezuelan comisarios |
ven_manifiesto_number | Manifiesto number for Venezuelan shipments |
ven_rnc_number | A certificate number for the National Registry of Contractors in Venezuela |