Resolution POST

The resolution endpoints allow users to search for matching entities against a provided list of attributes. The endpoint is similar to the search endpoint, except it’s tuned to only return the best match so the client doesn’t need to do as much or any post-processing work to filter down results.



OAuth authentication of the form <token>.

Query parameters


A limit on the number of objects to be returned with a range between 1 and 10 inclusive. Defaults to 10.


Number of results to skip before returning response. Defaults to 0.


This endpoint expects an object.
namelist of stringsOptional
Entity name
Entity identifier. Can be from either the [Identifier Type](/sayari-library/ontology/enumerated-types#identifier-type) or [Weak Identifier Type](/sayari-library/ontology/enumerated-types#weak-identifier-type) enums.
addresslist of stringsOptional
Entity address
Entity city that contains the provided city name.
Entity state that contains the provided state name.
countrylist of enumsOptional

Entity country - must be ISO (3166) Trigram i.e., USA. See complete list here

date_of_birthlist of stringsOptional
Entity date of birth
contactlist of stringsOptional

Entity contact

typelist of enumsOptional
[Entity type](/sayari-library/ontology/entities). If multiple values are passed for any field, the endpoint will match entities with ANY of the values.
Specifies the search algorithm to use. `corporate` (default) is optimized for accurate entity attribute matching, ideal for business verification. `suppliers` is tailored for matching entities with trade data, suitable for supply chain use cases. `search` mimics /search/entity behavior, best for name-only matches.
Allowed values:

Adding this param enables an alternative matching logic. It will set a minimum percentage of tokens needed to match with user input to be considered a “hit”. Accepts integers from 0 to 100 inclusive.

Adding this param enables an alternative matching logic. It sets the minimum number of matching tokens the resolved hits need to have in common with the user input to be considered a "hit". Accepts non-negative integers.
tagslist of stringsOptional
An array of tag labels to associate with each resolved entity

Specifies the minimum score required to pass, which controls the strictness of the matching threshold. The default value is 77, and tuned for general use-case accuracy. Increase the value for stricter matching, reduce to loosen.

Enables a name search fallback when either the corporate or supplier profiles fails to find a match. When invoked, the fallback will make a call similar to /search/entity on name only. By default set to false.
Specifies the window of similar results returned in the match group. Increase for fewer multiple matches, decrease to open the aperture and allow for more matches. Default is .8
Specifies the maximum number of entity candidates considered during search. Default is 50. Higher values increase match pool size but also increase latency.

Bypasses the post-processing setps and re-ranking. Useful for debugging. By default set to false, set to true to enable.


This endpoint returns an object.
datalist of objects
